
The Dunning-Kruger is strong in this one. And you shouldn’t feel sorry. Whoever genuinely believes this guy is a good president and has their interests in mind is delusional low-educated trash. The world is overpopulated anyway, too bad we can’t just cull the Trumpists. They seem like the perfect crowd that really

I totally agree, but there’s something worse about the whole thing. Sometimes MLM companies actually provide a good product. Some food supplement and cosmetics companies are alright, but use the model to sell their stuff. My mom was very involved in a few companies in the late 90s/early 2000s. I know for a fact

All those tentacly vines aren’t enough? He could pull out 100 penises if he wanted to. Or just envelop the lady in a plant cocoon with full-body stimulation included. I don’t know, this article is weird and now my thoughts are weird.

Netflix, Amazon, SOMEONE has to save Doom Patrol if that’s the way things are going. You know, if it’s possible, since WB may choose to fuck over other possible platforms even if they don’t use their own properties. :/

Did you even look at the pics? It looks like the tent has a separate hard surface to sleep on mounted above the car roof, with the soft box over that.

Yeah, nah. Check out Doom Patrol. Different strokes for different folks, but DP S1 is up there for best comicbook-based shows to come out in the last 5-10 years.

If the 5M/ep figure is true, it was complete madness to give them that kind of money to start with. Did anyone really expect the fucking Tick of all things (and I like The Tick myself) to become a popular and profitable enough show to cover those kind of expenses? This should have been 1M per ep at most.

If true, pretty dumb way to burn through money - especially if the show is a labor of love and niche series that would have always been on the edge of cancellation anyway. They basically cancelled themselves.

Yeah, exactly. Nobody is that dumb to think this was made for Blair Witch money, but this is close to Game of Thrones budget.

...the fuck? THIS cost 5 mil per episode? It didn’t look expensive at all.

Lost confidence in them after XV? What about before that? The last time I thought they made a good game was when they released XII.

He can play an older Nathan Drake, but they went the other direction. Still, there were many better choices in their late 20s/early 30s. Now we’re stuck with Kid Drake if they ever make sequels. Because if the movie succeeds, they will keep him to ride on the coattails of his Marvel popularity. They will probably want

I really hope it gets resurrected somehow. I didn’t expect much of it, but was pleasantly surprised at how good the first episode was. Shame to let it die.

Don’t apologize, people are permitted to not like things. I loved her look in the first movie, this is ugly in comparison. Hope she only wears it for a little bit and it’s not her main battle gear.

Can’t believe there are still people who defend the last season. First 2 episodes were fine - after that it was straight to shit city with a few good moments here and there, mostly visuals.
What pisses me off the most is that the showrunners are paid so much (and have months to write) to deliver at least an OK story

The Dragons didn’t witness this thing you speak of, at least not shown properly through the seasons. Her madness goes from 2-3 to 11 in the span of 2 episodes.

Her worst period was when under pressure in the cities of Essos. She still came off as a much better ruler than what they previously had, no matter when you

This, in a big way.

You aren’t dumb af

Yes, I am dumb af. “That time they worked for 14 weeks in the dark means they worked like that for the entirety of all 8 seasons”. That’s what you’re saying and it’s equally stupid. Not saying this in a hostile way, just trying to clear up what I mean.
Some people have crunch weeks on big work projects for a long