
You noticed how I said *aside from the big battle*? Obviously this was very taxing, but when not shooting massive battles workdays should be normal.
I’m not saying it’s not harder working on GoT, but citing the toughest stretch of work they did for 8 seasons doesn’t mean every day was like that.

They mentioned how exhausting it was filming the Long Night episode for 55 days, but aside from that I don’t see how working on GoT would be any different from working on anything else. Unless they were planning to go for an extended break from acting (or production work), it’s just work.

I phrased it like that because that’s exactly what’s written in the article? Sure, obviously I can’t claim to know what the real cause is and this is all speculation.

I think he would have been perfectly fine for another 2-3 seasons if they wanted to give it proper time to finish strong. His stress came from the show ending, not being in it for so long.
I just hope he doesn’t feel bad because of all the people disappointed by the final season, everyone is praising the actors and

I’d say this is much better than Legion, which was great in S1 but got so far up its own ass in S2 I dropped it 2-3 episodes in. It’s probably the best executed comic-based series ever just for juggling tones so well, from dramatic/tragic to some of the most batshit insane and tough to execute things you can put on

This show deserves all the praise and attention. Hope even more people watch it next season and it goes on for awhile. It made the funk of GoT S8 go away and took the place of favorite show I’m looking forward to the most.

Haha, the dialogue in S8 is much worse. This sounds closer to the characters if they hadn’t dropped in intelligence so much. Having the NK battle be protracted further in the the kingdom and every character having a good role to play makes it better.
I didn’t say it’s perfect. I do say it’s like at 80% of what I’d

If anything, the majority of the fans love her and feel she did a great job as a professional with the slop that was given to her. Her being so obviously embarrassed for the final season in interviews only makes her more likeable, as she’s on the side of the unhappy fans with this one.

For anyone who needs a better alternative than what the showrunners gave us, I stumbled upon a fan-written S8 (it blew up on r/freefolk) that is so much better I have no words for it. Compared to the trash Weiss and Benioff gave us, it’s valyrian steel to rusty scrap metal.
For anyone interested, google Alice

Joke petitions get started for less and get tens of thousands of signatures. This can be treated just like that, simply ‘haha, they decided to slam the writers due to their shitty writing and actually got enough attention - cute, good job’.
You choose to judge someone on this, you are the idiot.

I signed the GoT petition and I’m not a fucking idiot. It was just a protest vote against S8 and Weiss and Benioff. I doubt even 1% of the people who signed it actually think it may happen. We can all shout on Reddit or wherever, but when actual news publications wrote articles about the petition, there’s more chance

filmschoolrejects and birthmoviesdeath are a few of the other sites i visit for similar content.

Yes, after remaining there for a few years. After having the chance to leave much earlier. She left some trusted people to govern according to her wishes - other people toppled them.

Where did she burn surrendered soldiers? The loot train battle was an actual battle, and the Tarlys refused to kneel.

For every argument like this I can pull off even more examples of when she was shown to relent and use the better option which usually spares the common people. Quit with the whole foreshadowing bullshit. This is not a black and white character. If you argue she was just a tyrant in disguise who was barely contained

Vice was peak Archer to me. S2-4 are great, but Vice was bonkers.

Weiss and Benioff wanted to fuck off after 7 seasons, but agreed on truncated 7&8 as comprimise. Screw those guys. They could have left someone else to take over for the final portion, not rush ahead to the finish.

Well, I have hopes this may be true, but he’s been consistently 1-2 years away from releasing it for the last 4-5 years or so. I mean, I guess it has to come out at some point and hopefully he’s close, but I don’t expect it before 2021-22.

The last one (S9) was Danger Island? I thought that one was good and fun enough. S08 was Dreamland, the Noir one - I kinda liked it too.
The one I was bored with and kinda hated outside certain moments was S7 I think - the ‘LA private investigators’ one where Archer got shot at the end and fell into the coma which was

I expected a somewhat tragic ending for Dany, but how it happened was not how I saw it. I view E3-6 as a failure on an extended scale and some smaller good moments can’t mitigate the overall picture.
1. Daenerys was not shown at any point to stray from her liberating/helping the oppressed path, even if she did resort