
I thought she was bad, to be honest. Her ‘badass walk’ through the cave with the scowly face was comical at best. Having stale angsty dialogues where she doesn’t have to emote too much beyond stoic and wooden would be the best we can hope for.

Read it for a book club meeting a few months ago, pretty meh and not really worthy of any hype. Check it out if you want, but don’t keep your hopes too high. Nothing too original.

Nah, there’s this specific thing about comment sections. You just click to see what’s brewing down there and join in. I didn’t care for what Cameron had to say, but I clicked expecting a minute of fun in the comments, which I got.
Also, nobody would have cared about water physics in Aquaman beyond ‘they move more

Thanks for this, will keep an eye out for it.

I don’t think there’s any chance of Oliver being written off. Personally I don’t think I’d care for the series if he leaves, Emiko is fine as a side character but I’m not buying her as a potential series lead. Most would probably tune out and it would be the end of the series. They can keep it fresh, him working

As long as whoever writes the script does well, who cares if it’s a response to something or not. We’re getting (another) Batman Beyond movie. We should feel joy.

It was painfully generic and safe. Nothing in-depth about Freddy’s life was shown, so many things omitted. When Sacha Baron-Cohen wanted to do it, he mentioned he wanted a movie which was more faithful to Freddy’s actual life and experiences - his temper, sex with both male and female lovers, aids-related ails, etc.

I haven’t seen most of the nominations this year, but as for last year:
Baby Driver was basic, boring and I feel like people praised it just for being an Edgar Wright movie. It just had a bunch of needledrops and was painfully mediocre. Hidden Figures was also your standard oscar bait with not too much substance. Lady

I don’t see what streams can do if they are of the type that dominates the entire Twitch platform. I am talking specifically about gaming streams which are neither walkthough/tutorial/story analisys/lore discussions/blind playthroughs. Most of the streams are kids playing CoD/Fortnite/latest hit game with no bright ide

Creative activity type streams can be nice. I wish you success and hope you get more viewers, it sounds like you deserve them more than ninja or whoever the next kid doing the most basic braindead content is.

So, how much of Twitch is talk shows or D&D discussions and how much of it is just pointless gameplay with lame jokes peppered in? I am ranting against the crap content. I do hope the good ones get more viewers, but the ninjas of twitch don’t deserve to get rich over something so fucking basic.

If it’s a good episode, it can develop some sense of how to write a good short-form comedy or snappy dialogue.

It’s one thing to watch a 5 min video like Kotaku’s Highlight Reel or a 15 min edited episode of a playthrough, another to watch someone doing the same thing for 1-2 hours.

I think she’s been there for like what, 2-3 episodes tops since being unmasked? She’s alright for now, though if she keeps being mopey for too long it will become tiring.

I thought Jen would try her ‘giving his nervous system a jump’ idea when he was on the verge of dying. Otherwise what was the point of her mentioning it. Guess more a red herring than checkov’s gun. But her not trying it when there was nothing to lose was unrealistic. Should have happened, even if he did end up dying

I do know there are some worthwhile types of streams, I am ranting against the 99% of content. Some of the 1% good content creators do it for fun and don’t look to make a living using the platform. Then there are the sad cases that stream for 8-12 hours a day just to keep their numbers up while doing nothing but the

Punching yourself in the dick is probably entertaining to someone too.

Way to twist my words, buddy. Playing a game = experiencing it for yourself, watching a movie or reading a book = same. Watching streams = wasting time on somebody who’s regurgitating someone else’s work with some annoying voiceover on top. Every once in a while there may be a LOL moment, but those are about 1% of the

I feel the same way. Same with other garbage content, like for example reaction videos - most kids wouldn’t watch fucking reactions if they just got together in a larger group to watch whatever movie/series and then discussing them with friends IRL. People more isolated and constantly online nowadays, we’re missing