
Some good content please, not some worthless suckhole doing lame jokes or shouting over generic shooty gameplay. Yes, I am overgeneralizing

Yes, some are great, but those are about 1% of all. I myself have watched a couple of let’s plays or in rare cases streams, but it’s about moderation. Knowing those once in a blue moon worthwhile streamers/youtubers are getting much less appreciation than the tards like ninja is just another reason I think the

Yes, early 30s. No I don’t hate 80% of TV, but then again I don’t watch most TV or any reruns. I watch some movies or series and get most of my news online. I use my TV as a PC monitor.

Copying a reply I left under someone else:

I just hate pointless ‘content’. You can say what you want about movies, tv shows or sports, but most good tv shows or movies present you with conversation topics, build up your creative or critical thinking, generally enhance you in a little way. You understand storytelling better. Sports are at least a limited-time

That was a good link. Interesting way to flip a boring smalltalk into something juicy by focusing on details most people don’t expect you to latch on to. Thanks. I’m kinda ok with pointless conversation, but struggle to connect if the talk is boring and check out fast.

Screw Twitch, it’s the most useless form of ‘entertainment’ there is. You can watch some tutorials for a bit or strat videos if you wish to become better, but otherwise it’s a complete waste of time. Some kids probably waste hours per day watching useless shits like Ninja fuck around in Fortnite.
Question to any small

How much do you know about Japan in general? They present one image to the tourists, but if you know more about them or live there for a bit longer you see how fucked up they are in many many ways. Most people are ‘good’, but they have deep issues as a society.

You shut your mouth, RE3 was good. Code Veronica was fine as well, if a bit too long as far as I remember. 5 and 6 kinda sucked, haven’t played 7, but everything up to C:V deserves some love.

Why is she that heated over this? GB’2016 was a terrible unfunny movie, it had nothing to do with the female cast. I had already forgotten about its existence and I doubt anyone would complain if it was fully erased from our collective memory.

To be honest I’d still be using the OPO if I didn’t upgrade to S7 3 years ago for the better camera. The S7 itself works just fine now as well. The apps are just a bit slower, but still work. All I use it for is browsing and music outside of calls and messaging, so I don’t need needless extras. Bought a nice

Isolation was never going to set the world on fire, it was a niche title. We can talk all we want here, but we are the hardcore audience that visits game sites and has strong opinions on games and design. The mass audience prefers Fortnite, Overwatch, CoD or Battlefield. Or one of the single-player big budget titles

Tiamat’s Wrath is coming out in March, it belongs on the list since The Expanse series is quite popular.

Yeah, I’d agree on that. And then there are the countless others who contribute to the same form of ‘entertainment’ that are neither good nor interesting, just shout and speak as much as possible to keep dead air away without saying much of substance (i.e. Pewdiepie or other popular youtubers). With sports there’s

At least this is short and sweet, everybody has the primal urge to watch something get smashed. I get it.
It also doesn’t waste your time - unlike other videos which can be terrible wasteful timesinks, like reaction videos, unedited let’s plays or Twitch streams that go for hours. Kids really get into those and can

I don’t know. It sucked me in well enough to start replaying it after finishing the first time, this time without investing any hours into the the needless things. You can easily go through the game without once doing a camp chore, killing wildlife is down to a minimum if you don’t want to upgrade your satchels, and

“didn’t have the depth of an MCU film” ...oh lord. Thank you for the laugh. The MCU is executed well in writing, but it’s still very simple. Competent action, some jokes and fan service. They have a few very good movies, the rest all hover around 5-7/10. A third to a half of their movies are skippable in the overall

Maybe you just suck at searching for it? I was curious and found several torrents a few seconds ago. Good luck.

Some of them were great, others frustrating at best.
DD S1 was very good (if overlong, as all these shows) S2 was bad outside the Punisher episodes at the start. Haven’t watched S3, but seems like a retread of S1 with the old suit and Fisk as main bad. JJ S1 & S2 were very good and passable-good respectively. IF S1

Oh lord. I really hope whatever they push out first does well, so we get the sequel to Dredd at some point. You can’t tell me we can have a studio for 2000 AD projects and not have it announced within the next 2 years.