
Why? No matter how cute someone is, it’s always good to know if they are an idiot. That waste of space she’s dating proves she has no common sense or any ability to recognise a turd. Enjoy watching her in AoS, just know she’s not worth any adoration IRL.

Ah, okay my bad. I’d be curious to learn what the spike cause is, as it’s unacceptable at least to me. If that happened on Samsung, OnePlus or any other known Droid device, they’d be losing a customer.

The battery capacity is not a cause for the weird power spikes which are allegedly the cause for the throttling. They just need to make it work in such a way so it doesn’t need to draw so much power at once for whatever reason. That is not explained - for a premium device it should handle everything you throw at it

I think their record of animating an entire episode was around 3 days.

He’s a piece of shit, but come on. X2 is still a great movie. X1 is arguably a good one, even if not the most faithful to canon or characters. DOFP was also good.
Just because he deserves to be shunned out of the business forever doesn’t mean we can ignore he has made good movies before, including comicbook movies.

Well they should optimize their damn apps or system, what are most people doing on an iPhone anyway? Same things as everyone else on an Android device. The apps are mostly equivalent. Pushing performance, pfft. Performance of what? Like anyone is doing something super complex on a phone. Most people just use social

Chill, just be glad they are doing a Watch adaptation. Maybe they can do one book and just do the watch formation as in ‘Guards! Guards!’. Let’s hope for the best and this is successful, maybe we can hope for more seasons ahead. One season per book would be delightful.

I haven’t noticed slowdowns on mine, but I’ve only been on the stock system for the first 3-4 months. After that I tried Helios, switched to Lineage (no shutdowns on either for 2 years), but will probably go back to the Helios rom even if it hasn’t been updated since 01.2018. The battery performance on Helios was much

Don’t know exactly, haven’t kept count and only installed the battery monitoring app recently when I noticed the charge longevity has degraded a bit. Probably between 350-450, charged it once every 2-3 days on average.

Nice. At least it’s guaranteed to look much better than the crappy TV movies they made several years ago. Hope it has enough success to warrant more seasons and brings more popularity to Discworld in general. It needs series, movies, the whole shebang.

Pretty much. I have a Galaxy S7, the latest tests from AccuBattery show it at like 75% battery health after 2.5 years of use. I have the equivalent of a 2300 mAh battery, while originally it started at 3000. The performance is the same, it’s just that the battery lasts 9 hours of intense use instead of 12. I never use

So what, you needed them to have a makeout session to demonstrate their queerness? It was presented as a manner of fact, they held hands, a kiss would have been fine, but then again Negasonic seems like more of a private person who doesn’t do a ton of PDA just for the sake of it. It was fine.

Please, like anyone had heard of Alden Ehrenreich before Hail Caesar, which wasn’t a popular movie anyway. I had nothing against Alden in the movie, but this guy would have been a better pick. He didn’t do an impression, he just happens to have a similar face and tone of voice. If they’d given him a shot maybe he

I listed negative things, I am not saying the entire country is fully toxic or whatever. I know much more about it, both from reading about it and from people who have lived there for extended periods of time or permanently. I am not saying Japan is terrible, but they have serious issues which are deeply rooted and as

I have no issue with taking their time as long as they nail it. BvS suffered from serious script issues which could have been fixed if they had a few more months. JL was fine for me, tbh the only problems I had with it was the underwhelming CGI and generic villain. The story and interplay between characters was nice,

Not surprising. In my teens I got into Japanese culture after getting into anime and JRPGs. A few years down the line, a little after I started studying Japanese in Uni, I knew much more about them and the gloss wore off. Their culture is toxic in many ways - they are xenophobic; women are not respected as much as

I saw the same things, I just thought they were badly written.
Any reasonable man would have seen Ren is unstable and going for reckless moves, either to prove to himself he’s Vared-like evil or in the case with Snoke, the simplest of power grabs. Sith should always be on the lookout for usurpers, the dark side should

I thought it was derivative too, but at least it was fun. TLJ was a dreary slog, I watched it once and will probably never again.

I hope it will be okay, but TLJ killed any enthusiasm I had for the trilogy. TFA was a fun throwback to New Hope, but if it remains the best movie in the trilogy it will be a massive disappointment.
TLJ just didn’t make any sense. Snoke was introduced as a big deal, yet just gets offed like nothing by KR - if he was a

How did you come up with 450B? It’s a 10 year contract for 50M per PPV supposedly, with 2 shows per year. That’s 1B at most, and I don’t think the whole thing will last that long. SA is now in the international crosshairs, even though they should have been a long time ago.