RIP in peace, Chrysler.
RIP in peace, Chrysler.
Chris Bangle approved!
Fans should keep in mind that IndyCar and the sports car guys love sharing weekends. Events like Belle Isle, Mid-Ohio and Toronto have IndyCar, World Challenge and sometimes even TUSCR running back-to-back all weekend. You may even see some Super Trucks jumping around. It's pretty awesome.
I used to drive by it every year on my way to Maple Grove...
Remember that idea that IndyCar had to have a race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on the road course to promote the Indy 500? Remember? No? Well, that race is Saturday.
Continental Tire Series is live online in about 3 hours.
Not even a snarky nod to the World Challenge series? Christ. It's some of (if not THE) best GT/touring car racing in North America.
How the hell has nobody referenced Mineshaft yet?
It's a Cherokee mule. If you don't want to take my word for it look up what a Jeep 'KL' (on the sticker) is.
Hey Jason, let's agree to focus on spending more time getting the basic facts of the story correct before jumping head-first into jokes and shock-and-awe graphics.
Come on Bill, you've been around long enough to know that Hollywood's first name is Petter, not Peter! It's like calling the STi logo 'pink' (instead of 'cherry blossom red') — it drives us pedantic Subaru enthusiasts nuts.
So you've managed to confirm every stereotype I've ever had about Prius drivers. They're self-aggrandizing, clueless yuppies who are perfectly happy driving appliances. Great.