
...this is a terrible reminder that transgender people are frequently the target of violence rather than its perpetrators.

To dismiss a valid frustration of cis-women as gross or not relevant is part of why there’s a thread of TERF here. Cis-women’s experiences are just as valid as a transwoman and a huge part of that experience is held hostage by whether or not cis-women have the ability to control when and if they get pregnant. It is a

You’re kidding right? Being First Lady is actually an experience too, you meet heads of state, you have your own initiative going. She was a senator, had a career as a lawyer. She improved relations with Russia when she was Secretary, promoted gay rights abroad. I’m not sure what you consider “achieving” something as

Eh. Look, when someone transitions, I think everyone should accept it, if only because it’s just plain good manners to do so.

I confess that I’m often appalled at the number of trans-women whose transitions never quite included giving up mansplaining—particularly telling cis-women what it means to be a woman, or (as Jenner has the fucking nerve to do here), contending that electing a creep like Trump as POTUS would be “good for women”—and

Ok I know I will probably get a lot of hate mail but this is not a woman. The comments that I read say the same thing. Jenner’s mind and how he/she views women’s issues confirms this. Just because you dress like a woman, put make up, nail polish and wig...does not make you a woman. So woman’s issues will never be that

please make that “most conservative older white cis women.” I mean, not that I’m a pixie. But I’ve fought my ass off for social justice my whole life, and so have a lot of my friends.

He is not a woman and therefore can never be my sister.

Forget calling this guy a woman, I am reading comments while the video plays and all I hear is some huge braying MALE jackass making the same woman-hating comments real women have heard for centuries. Call me every damn name in the book, I will NEVER call this horse’s ass a woman and it is an insult to all women

There seems to be a fair number of trans women who basically hate women and aren’t really interested in vagina issues. They aren’t all older rich white, though I think some of them are.

She is just a Republican male on the inside.

No, this is straight up about intelligence. Bruce may have had some, but Caitlyn is a straight up idiot who should be forced to turn in her woman card, because she is a hideous misogynist.

I don’t understand why this doesnt have more stars. I would say that she didnt grow up male, but she did grow up looking and passing as(for want of a better word) male and I think that that is an important distinction. But yeah, she is trans and she’s clearly had her struggles, but she is so invested in identifying as

And even if she did magically wake up one day with all of the usual female bits in place, she still wouldn’t need that stuff because she’s a solid 10 years past when menopause hits.

Also doesn’t mean she’s spent most of her life dealing with sexism, sexual harassment, or the daily general bullshit of growing up as female in America.

Just because she’s a woman now doesn’t suddenly mean she’s suddenly going to experience what daily life is like as a woman.

You know how sometimes a middle-aged man will buy a sports car, and suddenly think he’s a “car guy?” Like, he’ll start talking about horsepower and torque and shit, and it’s obvious to all the real car guys that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but he won’t shut up because he thinks he’s “one of them” now.

Like seriously shut up. Listening to this bitch makes me agree with Germaine Greer.

This is white male Republican privilege speaking. She doesn’t know what the female struggle is. She doesn’t know what a financial struggle is. Of course she has had her own private struggle, but when she decided to come out, she had all the money in the world to help her do so, to buy the best body and care and

Caitlynn Jenner is the best thing to ever happen to the Trans Exclusionary Rad-Fem cause. For her fellow trans-women... I imagine that latter is when she needs her bodyguard the most.