
The fact that Caitlin Jenner gets to call herself a woman all day long and is lauded to the skies for it while we excoriate Rachel Dolezal for doing essentially the same thing shows how much our culture despises women. The hatred directed at her is no different than the hatred directed at women who choose to have an

Seeing a naked person at your home, a beach, or pool is quite different than females being forced to change and shower among males. No one cares if a female sees a penis. But it is sexual harassment and assault for males to be in female only spaces. I think it is sad that Europeans don’t understand this.

Eh. Let’s not go down the road of ‘the only reason you ladies object to random dic pics is that you’re too uptight about the beauty of the human body’.

Good. As a parent, I do not find it appropriate if a young woman(my daughter for example) whatever her gender identity, to use the bathroom with young men who are going through their natural hormonal changes.

Chloe Kim. I thought for a second the Kardashians were actually starting to become one entity/person.

She’s dead. You think she cares what the police report says? Or that what her police report actually matters? (which is required, by law to use her legal name and legal sexual status... like what you see on their driver’s license)

Okay, we disagree. I don’t think you have any idea who you are talking to, as a black woman living in the US I don’t think the police are fucking hunky dory and good for everyone at all. I also think that perhaps the difference is that I don’t expect the police to affirm anything about me, even my right to live, let

Current data says that 1404 people have died by homicide in the U.S. since January 1, 2016. Roughly 0.3 percent of people in the U.S. identify as trans according to a (five year old) study by the Williams Institute. With a homicide rate of 0.07%, it seems safer to be trans so far this year by a factor of 4.28. Which

The key point that you’re unlikely to ever understand or appreciate is that they don’t hate you for being a white male. But, alas, your persecution complex means you’ll probably never get it.

But the way this as written, her being trans had nothing to do with her being murdered. If that wasn’t a factor, then it’s disingenuous to include her murder with the ones that were murdered in hate crimes against trans people

They went by the legal name. Are we all supposed to wear medic alert bracelets now with whatever otherkin pronoun someone dreamed up?

How many people were murdered before her? Trans are not immune to being murdered, you know.

Two questions:

Trans Pride Initiative is playing fast and loose with the facts, yes?

Reminds me of a post a week ago or so, where a young black female inmate died while in detention. No indication of foul play but it was “eerily similar to the Sandra Bland case”. Actually it wasn’t at all, and it’s an insult to Sandra Bland to claim it was just because she was black (she died of natural causes). Same

America has a huge crime rate, criminals carry guns routinely, the police risk their lives daily for everyone else, yet near-constantly get a bad rap.

My impression is that most of the trans people on last year’s tally were killed for personal reasons rather than because they were trans. They made the list anyways.

I would be quite surprised if a police report did not use a victims legal name.

There should be single stall, gender neutral bathrooms everywhere. Ones with doors that lock. Plenty of them, in addition to the usual men’s and women’s washrooms. All of these should have baby change stations, and be wheelchair accessible.

If more spaces are built with unsegregated restrooms, things will change.