My Year of Fops

I think Mike knows he's fucked, and is turning his inability to kill Lydia into an opportunity to make some money and somehow stash it aside for his granddaughter where the feds won't find it, before they eventually come down on all of them.  I think he knows he's going down eventually, and if he takes Walt down with

I think Mike knows he's fucked, and is turning his inability to kill Lydia into an opportunity to make some money and somehow stash it aside for his granddaughter where the feds won't find it, before they eventually come down on all of them.  I think he knows he's going down eventually, and if he takes Walt down with



There's only ONE Captain Marvel, and he has a lightning bolt on his chest and says "SHAZAM!"

There's only ONE Captain Marvel, and he has a lightning bolt on his chest and says "SHAZAM!"

The first Cars was no great shakes either.  I guess everybody's forgotten that since Cars 2 (which I haven't seen, so I can't compare) lowered the bar so much.  Up was weak too, in my opinion, never understood why everybody sucks its dick so much.

The first Cars was no great shakes either.  I guess everybody's forgotten that since Cars 2 (which I haven't seen, so I can't compare) lowered the bar so much.  Up was weak too, in my opinion, never understood why everybody sucks its dick so much.

I just watch this show because they usually pick young, attractive couples, and I like to imagine them fucking in their new house.

I just watch this show because they usually pick young, attractive couples, and I like to imagine them fucking in their new house.

I walked out of the movie theater at 11:30PM and I was still grinning at 2:30AM when I finally fell asleep after being all invigorated and giddy for 3 hours.  I hadn't really felt like that after a movie since I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 12.

Shit, I probably laughed more during The Avengers than I did during The Hangover, Dumb and Dumber and There's Something About Mary combined.  Every big, joyous laugh moment that occurred, I was like, "OK, that's it, they shot their humor wad," but it never let up.  They just kept topping themselves.

Wow, you really are a cinedouche.

I missed that line too.  Still awesome.  My first thought was "Holy shit!  He went Droopy on him!"  Remember when Droopy would finally have enough, and go "That…makes…me…MAD" and grab the bad guy like a rag doll and smash him into the ground over and over?  I have to think it was inspired by that.

This is as good a time as any to point out that if Tatum O'Neal married Carol Channing and took her last name, she would be Tatum Channing.  Hey, it's legal now!

A white baby needs constant care pretty much 24/7.

True, it got old, but that wasn't the reason the episode sucked.  It wasn't too bad up until it got to Ashley's party, and then it was just so stupid, over-the-top and not-funny that the whole episode was ruined.  Up until then it was actually pretty funny.

Kinda went off the rails once it got to Ashley Schaeffer's place, didn't it?

Me?  I assume @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus  is addressing @avclub-d6729fe5b945e974dc2ad1153d804216:disqus .  And I assume Miller's favorite magazine is Horse Piss Drinkers Monthly.  Because of the beer, if that's not obvious.

If I somehow was acquainted with Chloe Sevigny in real life, I would feel compelled to make the "slurp, slurp" sound every time she walked by, while nonchalantly reading a magazine, like Randal in Clerks.