My Year of Fops

I've never been much of an Elaine fan, but I love her on the Soup Nazi episode.  Hemming and hawing, banging on the counter and telling the guy he looks just like Al Pacino, "HOO-AH!  HOO-AH!" cracks me up.

This episode made me realize something I've been keeping buried inside for a while: I HATE MITCHELL. Everything about him; his voice, his face, his ginger hair and barely existent beard, but primarily the way he is consistently small and petty and generally treating Cam like shit. Not that Cam can't be small and

He was good in…….sorry, drawing a blank here.

Aliens are disintegrating the earth's population, but never fear, that guy who starved to death in Alaska and Juno's best friend are here to save the day!

I never could figure out why the arch-nemesis of the world's fastest man is a super-intelligent, telepathic gorilla.

Nestor's even worse. When Nestor and his mother are stuck in a snowstorm and she keeps him warm by covering his body with hers, and then Nestor wakes up and his mother is dead underneath a mound of snow and Nestor is crying "Mama! Mama!", I start bawling. That's just about the saddest thing I've ever seen, way too

I say oh my, and-a boo-hoo.

Like I want to interact with a bunch of online jackasses during the show, distracting me from watching it with the proper attention. For that reason, I wait until the show's over and then interact with you jackasses.

Bérénice Bejo is a fuckin' babe.

We haven't seen her go to the bathroom either, so how long is she going to hold it?

Sounds like a tribute album of Jimmy Buffet songs done Metallica-style.

"All you can bang buffets" is sort of an awkward sentence without hyphens. It sounds like he's telling a group of people that they can just go bang buffets as far as he's concerned.

Cemetery Man: Anna Falchi fully nude
Dylan Dog: Rated PG-13

I almost missed it when Ben said "I have a date," that April replied with "What's his name?" So adorably smartassed.

Next to Nick Offerman, Chris Pratt is my favorite thing about the show. He consistently kills it, every episode. I always enjoyed him on Everwood as well. He started as the bully, but once they softened the character the producers obviously recognized his talent at playing the lovable doofus, and they gave him

"[a] lout who pretends to be German"
Would that be an umlout?

The Irish Nanny
Last week I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't place her. Last night I finally realized that she was Natalie in The Commitments. I don't know how I didn't recognize her right away, as I love that movie and have seen it countless times, and she doesn't really look that different, just older.

A nursing student told me one time that yellow #5 "destroys the male prostate." My response was, "Females have a prostate?"