My other car was the other woman

Having problems with Kinja, one more try.

Trying again...can’t contain the majesty...

So majestic...

At this point, Konami needs a full reboot.

Yes, the snapping has been around for a while, but being able to instantly choose what’s snapped on the other side? That’s is new, and very welcome as well.

You are already Shoryuken’d...

Let’s not forget that this movie has a deleted ending in which he decides to end it all by STRANGLING HIMSELF IN THE WOMB.

The previous owner of the Kings once tried to avoid the press by hiding in a closet. And yet, he’s looking like the better owner.

I am going to hell for this...

Later in the day we’ll learn that throwing the jersey caused a wrist fracture, and he’s out for the season.

Considering Final Fantasy IV is my personal favorite. I loved this.

They’ve actually had them in past crates, and it’s been flavors that don’t make it over here. I got a white champagne flavor one some months back.

First thing it reminded me of...

like french fries on a sandwich

Overall, I think a major winner has to be artistic graphics. Between Cuphead’s 30’s animation style, Unravel, and that X1 indie game that looks to be done with watercolor, there’s a lot of creativity being shown.

I want to believe...

It also wasn’t made by Bethesda. New Vegas was done by Obsidian Entertainment.

This comparison alone shows the power of using practical effects when possible. Most of this scene would be CG in the hands of another director.