
These salaries look about right to me.

“A democracy, ma’am, if you can keep it.”

Why does everyone hate him now?

The controller looks like a lil’ puppy face.

The controller looks like a lil’ puppy face.

I’m late to the pizzagate story, having just read about the whole thing a few days ago. I love a good conspiracy theory read.

I guess all the dorks on 4chan are trying to get into the journalism business, picking up right where Gawker left off.

If it were a sex tape, that’d be different because journalism.

Hypothetical question: Let’s say the woman let the medical staff know that she did not consent to typical medical procedures in delivering the baby, and the baby died as a result. She should be held responsible, or no?

Have Sumo wrestlers have ever thought about unionizing? Someone get Hamilton Noah on the phone...

What is a living wage?

Oh my, how could I have forgotten to site statistics? They’re always super helpful when trying to understand the world around us, so thank you for reminding me. For example, did you know the average human has one breast and one testicle? <———— FACT

If I wanted to write an article that accounted for all the typical mischaracterizations & misunderstandings about charters and vouchers, I couldn’t have done better than this one. And I wouldn’t have had the imagination or the gall to include all the stuff about racism, so I have to give you props there, too.

I’ve been hearing this argument from anti-charter/school choice types, and it’s brilliant. It’s a brilliant tactic, because what is true is the exact opposite. It’s always useful to beat your opposition to the punch by using against them the best argument they’d have against you.

Seems to me that this would actually be awesome, if only for this reason: It’s bullshit to force a person to join a union, and pay those parasites a fee, just to get a job and earn a living. We don’t live in a fucking Dickens novel where one fat cat owns every company around.

Is there a way to actually delete your Facebook account, or can it only be deactivated?

I didn’t vote for Trump. In fact, I wasn’t even close to considering it.

Teach him to write about butts and dicks and labor unions and that kid has a bright future at Deadspin.

This is great. Getting a job, earning income, and building skills for one’s future shouldn’t be contingent on joining a union. Some people don’t want to be a member in that sort of club.

Wow. This reminds me of when Obama’s administration used the IRS to shake down conservative-leaning nonprofit organizations. Looks like our so-called Republican president-elect is taking a lesson from the Democrats.

While poverty is not a good thing, the incentive to build skills and earn a higher income is necessary. Therefore, income inequality is, in principle, a good and necessary thing.