
The first time I try to Facebook Like an article on Gizmodo since the switch to Kinja, and it won't work! I really wanted to share this one, it's a top-notch find!

I don't understand how "No Contract" is deceptive, but FREE* isn't?

That water, it must be from The Abyss!

Definitely agree with this.

Back then, iOS was still a Cisco product.

My old Qualcomm Thinphone emulated a dialtone if you pressed the green Send button without dialing a number. Many people I knew that had this phone would frequently dial old-timey style.

Stay classy, Gizmodo...

In our house we call it playing "The Progress Bar Game", and the damn thing earned the reputation as being called the "Waitstation" in my house...

Groupons and concert tickets.

Hopefully this is as accurate as my Korg Pitchjack, though at 1/15th of the price I can't complain either way.

More articles with this image, please.

Fantastic! Now how do I watch this on my Roku box? Or AppleTV? Or PS3?

Now playing

I only drink Duncan Hills Coffee...THE BLACKEST COFFEE EVER.

Now playing

Same here, haven't listened since Dance Parties, which I've always thought was an epic track.

That transparent notification bar, I didn't know I wanted it until just now. Guess it's time to find a rom for my GS3...

I'm with you, what exactly makes using a typewriter idiotic?



I hope they're not shit-covered...