MxPxRobbie, son.

It even comes with a built-in alarm!

@ePrometheus: I'll just leave this one here... I have the one you posted still too...

Now playing

Wow, his paintings are almost as good as his BBQ.

@The Honey Badger: I was almost 4, and it's probably one of the earliest memories I still have. From that moment on, I wanted to be an astronaut, even though the idea scared the crap outta me. Damn height and vision requirements.

Perfect enemies for my Darth Tater, Spud Trooper, Darth Mash, Artoo-Potatoo, and Yam Solo.

@Platypus Man: Exactly. My office is always cold too, so there's usually a hoody over everything anyway. I could probably get away with a t-shirt, to be honest.

I have lots of shirts, my dryer does the ironing. I'm in a cube all day with no interaction with customers. No reason for expensive no-iron shirts here, thank God.

Guess the old Pandora battery hack is not gonna be an option...

FarmVille strikes again.



@williamscott: Your last name wouldn't be Redmond, would it?

It's cool. I'm going to throw my goddamn Fascinate against a wall. I was promised when I purchased it in October that 'Froyo was coming in a couple weeks'.

One of my favorite albums. Headup is probably my fave song off of it.

I was hoping to maybe play some Mario Cart later on my Nintendo Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

@tomsamhouse: Maybe if the joke wasn't lame you wouldn't have had to.