
@CoHPhasor: Lol, Demonoid. You are cute. Thank god there are legions of people using public sites and then legions of people using sites like demonoid between the RIAA, MPAA and the torrent sites that are actually good.

@mavso208: No, the iPhone core OS is not superior. All it is, is a list of shortcuts. Thats it. You cannot change the keyboard, you cannot have widgets, you cannot download files natively in the browser, etc. There is just no way to claim that iOS is superior when it is in fact inferior on every point. The only

@mavso208: "Which OS would you prefer?"

@KefkaticFanatic: No, they mean they don't count things like the Augen Tablet, because they Augen tablet is not allowed to include things like google navigation and gmail on the device. Only things with these google services are counted, so all of the chinese knockoff android thingies are not counted.

@wild_world_girl: So surviving alone in the wilderness, you don't think you would be hungry and lonely? The show is meant to show you what its like to survive, and guess what, its goddamn lonely and there is no food readily available.

@thinkthis: IDK, I pay for 25/25 and I get 30/20 constant. Downloading a 10GB or larger torrent at 3.7 MB/s is my average.

@jccalhoun: Look, its doesn't get the point of Ayn Rand's books guy.

@tehsquish: That is the opposite of true. Rich people will do anything they can to save a dime, especially when grocery shopping or buying menial things. Poor people tend to spend more to give the appearance of wealth. The richest people I know shop at walmart and have no qualms about it. The poorest people I

Can you please get ahold of one of these products and review it? See if you can load OSX on it and such? I have a relative living in China and would direct him to purchase one if it held its own in a review.

Zoogue case destroys this case. I own it and its amazing.

@espinha: Have neither of you ever heard of XDA-Developers? Seriously, who cares what the manufacturer does or doesn't do.

@theanyday: Yea, I mean why don't those stupid island nations just pinch the top of volcanoes shut.

@groundlessnfree: I just recently bought an iPad, and the first book I chose to read on it was Atlas Shrugged. The iPad says its 3200 pages when in landscape mode. FML.

@kinglouis25: It didn't. You don't just bust a spy when you find them though, you follow them and see what their purpose is and who else is involved. You bust some low level spy who has a deep contact in the CIA or something like that, and you have accomplished nothing unless they talk.

@pdditty: That was a great one.

@elephantattack: Yea, who needs phone calls or data on a phone.

@octasquid: I am glad you have not had problems, yet. You will though. Whether it will be the helicopter glass shattering if you happen to drop it, which happens to basically everyone eventually, or if you are in a low reception area and holding your phone sends it into "searching". You will probably justify it to

@octasquid: No, 100% of the people have the flawed design. 100% of the people with an iPhone 4 will experience dropped calls when in non optimal reception areas. Huge sales does not have anything to do with quality of the product. 90% of the people buying an iPhone 4 would have done so no matter what features it

@egyptiansushi: So then what is the point of having a nicely designed phone? If its going to be in a case either way, wtf does it matter than the design looks great? So Apple fanboys are should choose. Either they accept that the phone is designed horribly or they forgive the point that the phone is beautiful

@The Lab: Who wants to cover their amazing looking smartphone with a case? I have a windows mobile phone and I dont want it covered up. I can't imagine buying a new sexy looking iPhone and then covering it up.