
@blehbleh13: FUUUUUUU is the beginning of a long drawn out SCREAMING of the word f*ck.

So uh, is Gizmodo going to do a revised "review" of the iPhone now that its known that the screens come with urine stains and the phones cannot make calls or use data when held and that they shatter when dropped from heights of 1ft? Pretty sure that the review should at least be updated.

@snitch: Go wash your hands, then dry them, then place your palm over the seam on the lower left side of the phone and leave it there for a full 60 seconds. You will lose signal on every phone you have.

The cheapest plan for the Evo is $59.99 + $10. You are off by a GIANT amount. I know you needed to show that iPhone is the cheapest, but its an absolute lie.

@brittanyrae: Its not a joke. They run a company that specializes in fixing iPhones. Did you not look at their T-Shirts?

@SmallShark: Did you even watch Apple unveiling this phone?

@Clayton Kimber: ITT: Apple Fanboys prove that they actually ARE retarded.

@monkey314159: They just can't handle the amount of bad news they are hearing tonight. They shelled out good money for their dream phone which they get tomorrow, and now they have to look forward to the screen having urine stains on it, calls and data being unusable if you are holding the phone, and the fact that if

@kylecpcs: I also have an HTC phone, which has endured several drops onto concrete and ceramic floors. The back cover pops off, maybe the battery pops out, but that is the extent of it. I pick it up and I am not even worried about it having a scratch.

Wow, this thread is bringing out some VENOM in Apple fanboys. I think they have had enough dream-shattering news for today Gizmodo. After hearing that their new babies are going to have yellow splotches on the screen and will be unable to make calls or use data while being held, they are NOT going to stand for

@Nitemancometh: You are justifying a dead phone after 2 drops? Wow. Apple fanboys really are deluded.

@Fulgurite: No, actually most smartphone owners, especially those who buy their phone mostly because of its looks, do not use cases. And no, ALL smartphones do not break when you drop them on concrete. And there is only ONE smartphone in the world that I know of that is a consumer device and is marketed as being

@dogved: Well yea, thats the goddamn point. To see how much abuse the phone can handle. In this case, not much at all.

@FruityLemon: Nothing like admitting to insurance fraud online.

@Kaiser-Machead: It did not hold up well. The first time the phone hit face down, the screen shattered. The second time it hit on the corner, the phone became unresponsive/broken. How is that holding up pretty well? They could redo the test and have the first drop be where the screen lands face down and it would

@okAcomputer: Because all it takes is one drop to break the iPhone. It all depends how it hits the ground. In the video, after the second drop the iPhone was Fubar. Wouldn't turn on. When in the last drop it landed on its face, the screen shattered. Its all how it hits the ground.

@mathew: Oh boy, not looking like a good day for the iPhone. Between this and the fact you lose AT&T service by, HOLDING the iPhone, ooof.

So Lifehacker, you ever use Chrome? It has the "Fluid" feature built into it. Go to the website, click the button at the top right, select Create Application Shortcut. Done.

@Railgun5: Hi Railgun5, welcome to Windows Mobile, where we've been doing this same thing for nearly a decade.