
@dappernat: You uncovered it. Google's master plan was to secretly capture your email telling your mother that her new kitten is the cutest thing you have ever seen and your neighbor's email asking some Nigerians where to send the money.

@gstatty: Or use ANY USB thumbdrive or hard drive to transfer.

@zeco: Go to now. They have a pic up default. Think thats what he is talking about.

@socceryo3: I was mistaken. I am used to seeing large screenshots of 480x800 devices which are crisp and clear. I didn't realize this was a screenshot from a 320x480 device. Thought it was from the new iPhone.

Why does the UI look so boring? The colors are horrible, can you change them?

@Cosmopolitan: The Sprint Evo was just released and it does video calling over 3g or 4g or wifi. I thought Apple was supposed to be a step ahead? It seems they have latched onto a garbage carrier, and thus can't keep up with features. By the time Windows Phone 7 hits, HTC will be producing RIDICULOUS Android and

@justinpe: How are you grandfathered in if you need to sign a new contract to get the subsidized pricing on the new iphone. Newsflash, you wont be.

@Unknown2U: Yea, but they were at the bar scouring the floor for dropped technology.