
I just bought a 2013 Leaf for just that reason. Paid 10k because it is a SL with leather and the quick charge option. It has a degraded battery, but it is still in the capacity warranty period, so I can have it replace. Even with the degraded battery I get 60 miles to a charge. My round trip commute is ~40 miles, city

This is why ejector seats should be standard equipment on all cars.

I just bought a used 2013 Leaf. The battery is a bit degraded, but I qualify for a replacement battery pack under warranty. I am going to drive it until I get closer to the warranty expiring to get the most life out of it. I get ~60 miles to a charge right now, which is fine for me. As for utility it works for me.

I still have the Flagg, the Terror Dome, and the OG Joe base in my parents attic in NY. Every time they come to Nashville to visit then bring a trunk load of old GI Joe and Star Wars stuff. I need to start piecing it together and putting it on eBay. washer/dryer set isn’t getting delivered today?

I’m guessing Musk sent over a couple of his “associates” who and kindly asked Clark if he wanted to visit the marsh again.

$3500 for an Echo???? CP all day.

I guess I could go have some elective surgery done. Maybe get my man-boobs reduced or something.

My wife had to have her gallbladder out. We have insurance, she works for a healthcare company and I work for a university affiliated with a major medical you would think it would be decent insurance, especially staying in network with the medical center. Still cost us 5K out of pocket after insurance.

I use a burner email and a random phone number I get off the wall in the bathroom.

How do I invest??? That sounds way better than my current commute.

Tonight on Gas Monkey Garage!

I’m ordering my 18 Mustang in Orange Fury. I’m tired of boring colored cars.

Direct and port injection have already been confirmed by Ford, as well as torque and hp bumps (but no numbers yet).

It’s too nice for David. Gotta beat it up some more, break a few engine parts and strip out half the interior. Then sell it to him.

Anyone want to start a Kickstarter where we just buy really cheap, broken Jeeps and offer them to David Tracy for free. We could start a pool to see how many he accepts. I think it might help him out with his Jeep addiction. This is how immersion therapy work, right?

The last thing I need is to be able to drunkenly order a car on Amazon. Free 1 day shipping? Sold.

Counter-point. The abruptly cutoff snout of the Model 3 looks stupid and bad.