Murry Chang

Or the Tracy Jordan version: “Zack Snyder’s Rebel Honky Grandma Be Trippin’”


Zack Snyder sucks, the only one of his films that I actually like is Watchmen and even that has some major issues.

‘Grimdark PR, where we make your enemies souls burn in Avernus forever.  All Hail the Emperor!’

He can run a grimdark PR firm.

Ok but have you considered that it’s Zack Snyder’s Rebel Fucking Moon?

I should rewatch Mike Tyson Mysteries, that show was fuckin hilarious.

Did he know that only the first 3 seasons would be good and almost everything after that would be trash?

I’d do another Spiddermen movie too, Kristen!

Man whoever did the burger in that shot must be some kinda newb, you’re not supposed to be able to see that all the bacon is stacked on one side.  The whole point is to trick you into thinking that’s how much burger is on it the whole way around...

Usually I’m good, the only time I screwed myself was rereading The Peripheral and Agency while the TV series was still going on. Finished them both in the week between the second to last episode and the last episode, was so disappointed with the TV series that I couldn’t bring myself to watch the last episode.

I gotta reread these books before this comes out, it’s been quite a while and I don’t really remember the first book that well.  Two weeks is enough to finish what I’m reading now and at least get through the first 2 books I think...

“We are glad the district attorney’s office finally made the right decision to drop this case. It should never have been brought,”

Oh that actually makes me want to watch it, male/female platonic relationships without dumb will they/won’t they shit is my jam!

That would be how it works for me though: The vast majority of the time I get fast food I’m already on the road and decide that I’m hungry and getting fast food is quicker than making something when I get where I’m going, so I’d have to sit in the parking lot or pull over to order, then wait even longer for my food to

Oh good!  I hate shoehorned romance storylines. 

I’m going to watch this after True Detective I think...not too keen on the love story stuff but if that starts overwhelming the good stuff I’ll just stop watching.

The Sheldonsons

Ok Boomer