
just in case anyone was wondering if this movie might be at least fun, this should be the nail in the coffin

they have shown they are really bad with how they spend their money

its baffling how dumb that was. presumably they hired good lawyers who must have explained that when the feds come for you, they only do so with overwhelming evidence- there’s a reason the conviction rate on federal indictments is ~98%.

And given the sheer, gross, dumb ‘rich people are simply better than the plebes’

those are basically the only edible parts anyway. beaver tail is actually delicious if prepared correctly, although i doubt we’ll be getting the ‘beaver whopper’ any time soon

i’ve actually always liked that about jewish communities- it makes god seems more cheeky and fun. like he’s looking down on this sort of work around with a ‘you are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct’ attitude.

i think it was pretty widely marketed- i saw advertisements for it on netflix and on sites like the AV club where you’d assume the audience is hanging out. I think it probably simply did not have the appeal to bring in people or to keep anyone who tried it (i.e. netflix’s business model.) From the AV club coverage i

liam neeson too, in a huge beard. plus ian mclellen and ian mcshane voicing the main polar bears

and a healthy dose of dumb luck- that early in the war, radar was still unreliable. Even knowing the enemy plans and disposition, they still needed to fly scout plans to physically locate the enemy ships, guess if they were actually the *right* ships and then hope that the ships (and hopefully the rest of their task

i think its called ‘heroin’ and i think its called ‘self correcting problem’

you really think in the era of youtube/twitch/fortnite, prestige TV, cratering box office numbers reliant on foreign markets and thus interchangeable blockbusters that there is some sort of secret market yearning to watch a movie about a vaudeville actress that died when their grandparents were kids?

i’m sure that the

that is an interesting perspective- i was a theater kid in the late 90's, but i was not myself queer even though many of the people i spent time with were, but we grew up in a world where media was the local video store or someone’s VHS tape collection. outside of wizard of oz and perhaps one or two other staples,

ok, but we already had biopics of her in 1978, 2001 and 2015. Add in stage shows and you’re looking at a 1998/2003 version, the 2005 show this movie is based on, a 2006 show and a 2010 show.

maybe it might be time to find a less exposed by equally interesting person and tell their story, rather then re-tell this one

in no way am i trying to play down her influence and what she meant to the repressed gay community at a time when ‘friends of dorothy’ was about as open as a gay man could be. But, she died in 1969, which means if you were a 20 year old person- gay or straight- who was deeply moved by her, you are now 70 years old.

Are there enough 80 year olds able and willing to get to a theatre to watch this? Because outside of that demographic, it seems like people who remember her for anything outside of wizard of oz is probably pretty slim

the ‘dollar per drink’ depends on where you are. downtown manhatten? kind of stingy. drive a few hundred miles north though and a dollar per drink is big spender territory.

as someone who used to be conversational in french, but hasn’t spoken it in years, i can not handle watching a french language film. i don’t have enough of the language left anymore to actually understand what they are saying but i have enough that i pick up random words and phrases, which makes reading the english

if watching a chick get the au flambe treatment is what does it for you, maybe keep that one under wraps?

The end of 2008 shows him approaching a ranch with the name 'Rambo' on the mailbox, with the implication it's his families land.

Those stories are incredible- the final telegraphs of the train operators, knowing they would die make it real dusty

I did a community production of guys and dolls a few years back. You would need to re-write half the script and half the songs for it to make any sense. It’s absolutely stuffed to the gills with references and slang that nobody under the age of 90 would be able to understand without a detailed sheet ala the original