
its not really as much about heirloom necessarily (although they do have their own taste differences) as it is about freshness. a beefsteak tomato grown in my garden or bought from the farmers market, having been just picked within a day, is going to be the better option over an heirloom from the grocery store that

i mean- pick if this is a critical examination of the merits of the movies on their artistic worth with paul as the comic/still serious co-host or pick that this is an examination of the entire creation of the work including off screen stuff. but choose the lane and stick with it, otherwise its annoying

i like nicholson to an extent (i find her a little long winded on her own podcasts, but usually sharp with her commentary), but unspooled is horrible and its due to her. she can’t decided if her issues with the films are because of the films, or because she knows about the people and circumstances of the making of the

i came into this review wondering why it went direct to streaming- the first one was pretty dire, but it made a lot of money. and then it turns out its actually being released in theaters? weird

huh, they haven’t been advertising this anywhere. i was unaware this even existed and i watch old school network tv

i’ve now done a couple of ‘90's nostalgia tour for somewhat less recalled bands’ and that keeps happening- fun bands playing to the crowd that are then headlined by a technically more popular band who are sleepwalking through their greatest hits

also beef is highly subsidized both directly and through the subsidies of things like corn which cows eat. beef would move beyond the reach of a significant portion of americans even without alternative if we removed those

honestly if you’d told me that it had a transgender character in its original run, i’d believe you. i don’t remember the specifics of most of the plots or stories, but i remember it was weird and generally pretty far ahead of its time

i would think that the price should eventually drop- its far cheaper to grow potatoes and soy beans then it is to raise a cow (even using the cheapest cuts and the most advanced farming techniques.) the price premium seems to be more a matter of economies of scale- in some respects, these current burgers are almost

i helped run sleep studies in college. We knew that generally people who were sleep deprived performed far worse on any sort of physical or cognitive test than people who weren’t- that is a long established and easily reproduced test. what we were curious about is that there are still many people who do pull late

if i had known that fortran was the ticket to instant paradise, i’d have paid more attention in school

if you live in the northeast or near a wegmans, dinosaur BBQ does a really excellent mojo sauce

were you that guy who was sitting in the champagne room throwing bills and muttering ‘they all laughed at me when i took the NCR Unix classes, but who’s laughing now?!?!?’

only kind of? feral hogs (or more specifically, boars) are a very weird animal in that respect. most animals, if you wound them and it doesn’t immediately kill them, they will run away from danger. with the boars, if you only wound them, they will actually come at you and try and kill you (even if its a mortal wound,

on the one hand- the guy isn’t wrong. feral hogs in the south (especially texas, but pretty much everywhere and growing these days) are a menace. they’re very hard to kill, they breed at a rate that puts even rats to shame and they will attack and kill people. their far more dangerous than a lot of animals like wolves

Yeah I know some folks who paid for vacation homes with the OT they got from going over old code and fixing it- if you were someone who knew older coding languages like fortran or cobol you could more or less name your price. There werent a lot of people who were experts in those languages even when they fresh.

last time i tried to watch it, the streaming version (going to say amazon) just didn’t work- it was like a rip of a VHS was being awkwardly streamed on twitch via a webcam.

there are 2 vehicles following him that even after 70ish years of service (the helicopter) that routinely crash or fall out of the sky because of mechanical failure. even the osama bin laden raid had one of the most advanced helicopters in the world, piloted by the best special forces pilots in the world, crash. if we

do note that the white hot’s are available in wegman’s (which has moved beyond rochester these days) and can be ordered off of the Zweilges website and shipped (and as a Roch kid, Zweilges is the only brand for white’s- fight me)

it must, however, be admitted that white hots are just weisswurt in a hot dog package.