
Had a little old lady tell me "And you know what else? He might not have done it." I absolutely refused to reply to that or give her any sort of encouragement or support for such "But I like this guy so he can't have done it" attitude.

But that's because artists are usually actively trying to say something beyond "Look where I live! Look what I did today!" with their work.


Well, that's okay then. Don't recommend actually eating it though. I mean, it's McDonald's so it'll probably survive the death of the sun, but I wouldn't consider it safe for consumption.

Who even has that kind of money to throw around like that?

Gus! Francesca! My, was that Victor? So many BB people!

I'm still missing Nina :(

Trump is a Trump.

I…hate toilet/penis humor TBH. I know the juxtaposition of the smart and the juvenile actually makes it funnier for some, but it just doesn't work for me. If it had a touch of it here and there, or it was just a certain dimension or something, okay, but the choice to make it pervasive, to just make seemingly

When Summer and Morty were spit-balling ideas to take down to government (both involving massive death tolls), I thought evil terrorist Rick was really starting to have a terrorist-y influence on them.

Fast and Furiosa

This. The first one was solid fun and was complete unto itself. I did kind of want more though, and thought it could make a decent franchise. Fun on the high seas! I was…kinda wrong. They just got progressively…less good…with each one. And I really didn't like the final ending.

Was this really necessary? I mean, there are SO MANY cool stories out there. And I love ancient things, and ancient Egyptian things. But The Mummy again?

I love when he's talking to Bug about his hatchet and that spooky music is playing, hahaha.

One of my all time favorite movies :) It just makes me happy

Okay, that one made me laugh, particularly because my insurance is (ha)BIBI.

I actually thought she was going to have a useful skill at first…:/


Despite my bias toward space-related movies (I love space movies!), I completely agree. The tone kept shifting so I couldn't tell until much later in the film what kind of movie it was going to be, and what it turned out to be was disappointing. Pretty to look at though! I appreciated the view (though not all the

Poor Henry. It's like they have no son.