

Right? I wondered where the biologist was. And an astrophysicist. I didn't think of a psychologist, but yeah. That's…necessary.

Still pretty cool

Yeah, they certainly go on and on about potential (though never detected) radiation hazards. So much screen time was spent on them suiting up, sprayed down, having mountains of anti-everything drugs pumped into them… Maybe there's something to that.

There's no such thing as no dialect. Even the most bland "standard" American is itself a dialect. Dialect is variation within a language, not a deviation from a standard.

It just rolls of the tongue. So satisfying. Dasvidanya. Nyezashta. So fun.

I'm guessing he's distinguishing between something like pleasant/polite and out-reaching/accepting.

Yes! Evil works in subtle, manipulative ways. It's not all fiddles and soul bets.

I love Morgan Freeman. I'll take a discount Morgan Freeman.

You ate Shawn!!!!

They also teased Chidi / Tahani not long ago.

lol "etc" nice


A lot of comedies take at least a season to find their footing. This one is more like a train slowly leaving the station, picking up speed as it earns your trust.

Someone left the swear filter off. ^^ …..Hmm, someone should make an extension or something that filters all swearing into Good Place words. :P

I could see that.

Somehow I think it'd be more realistic if he said "Get the help out" instead. He's probably not used to any curse words, much less utensil-bombs.

Excellent theory! Can't wait to start meeting grim reapers, excuse me, soul collection technicians.

I really enjoyed all the mundane, ordinary evil portrayed this ep. The blatant, casual condescending sexism/sexual harassment in particular made me laugh and wonder if a woman wrote this ^^ The addition of Demon!Adam Scott just basically made my day.

^………I want this.