
I love Janet with all my heart. <3

"…Slowly discovering that they've actually become the bad guys…..I'd watch that."

Good for you (not sarcasm). I don't think anyone expects you to feel bad for liking it. I think most people who are frustrated with the show want to like it; that's why they're so frustrated.

Yes, this. All of this.

^ This. "Drained" is right. And cheap manipulation / contrivance. You can see it coming.

I think the word your looking for is either "grim" or "grimdark." The relentless grimdark of Game of Thrones is a big part of why I dislike that show and quit watching. Nobody wins the game of thrones, they just suffer.

re: Dexter: Same here. It's amazing how bad it got when it started so off so good, really to the point that I wasn't even irritated. I just flat-out didn't care.

This could have been avoided if they had just started growing crops like not-idiots instead of relying on runs and stockpiles and waiting until the food supply was low.

Is there anyone really left like Glenn? That is interesting? And will last more than a season or two? That boasts substantial character growth? Even Rick, ostensibly the main character, hasn't grown as much as Glenn IMO (at least not in a way you root for). This was someone we could watch and grow attached to over

The part with Terminus and the cannibals was some of the best of the Walking Dead. Terrifying, revolting, and relatable. "Have you ever been hungry? I mean really hungry?" Having to be faced with a similar choice as their enemies (eg. your blizzard scenario) would have been great.

I'm so glad they had Eleanor admit the truth instead of dragging it out forever.

I love inside jokes. I'd eat a bucket of Inside Joke flavored fro-yo.


That's my first thought too :/


And not even for policy reasons, but for his personality.

I have 15 pieces of flair!

LOL. It's funny because it's true ^o^

She's pretty acrobatic too.