
Points for "Frankengregor."

I just imagine California's list of questions being said in quick succession by an inquisitive Californian child (perhaps with an age-up montage, still asking questions):

Mine too.

I'll take 'Google searches of Westeros' for 400.

I have come from the future to announce for posterity that this is almost exactly what happens!

I have come from the future to announce for posterity that this is almost exactly what happens!

All Dogs Go to Heaven: that dream sequence, also the creepy "You can never come back… you can never come back…"


Can't argue with that. They got some cool features though.


…suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one loudly rapping, rapping on my garage door.

I was telling the screen: Don't be stubborn, Elizabeth! Just say yes! Please don't put yourself and the viewers through more self-inflicted torment.

How did I miss it?!

Reminded me of that scene from Breaking Bad where Ted pulls the same stunt and ends up tripping on a rug and messing himself up shockingly badly.

I actually thought they'd take him to the hospital for a minute or two.

Actually Venus would be a terrible place to be. The atmosphere alone will kill ya! Personally, I'd go for Pluto. I know, I know - tiny little ice ball where you can't hardly see the sun and isn't even a true planet - but I've got a soft spot for it.

Or is she? Ever since that one agent's wife/baby mama was whisked away to Belize, I'm a little paranoid about the fate of people they supposedly disappear into safety.

Apparently not. I liked Arkady's reaction though.

Good point