
Yup. Once I wore an extremely modest dress to work and a male coworker around my age complimented me (You look nice today), you know, like a normal person. No problem. All good; a real compliment. Thanks, man!


But then there's the guy that keeps checking to see if you're still "dating that guy" or whines, "What? You can't have friieeenndz?"

A THOUSAND TIMES THIS! Seriously, a smile and job-required helpfulness =/= come hither. How is that so hard to grok? I hate come-ons at work - the person is almost always taking advantage of a captive audience (only once was that not the case); you are "representing the company / organization" so you have to help

Noted. Never going to Boulder, CO.

'What am I supposed to do with these?! Get mad! Demand to see life's manager!'

They've said they want each character to be able to stand on their own, but they're not very successful at achieving that.

They should have kept that part; it would make avoiding the obvious choice of victim make more sense.

Your "QORL!" made me laugh, and considering how many times and ways that joke's been done, bravo.

Thanks for the explanation. Much obliged.

That seems to be the shows main flaws: too many lackluster writing choices and stretching everything out to oblivion.

Eugene knows Rick is Safe (in the fourth wall sense) ;P. But really, I think he just figures Rick has a better shot of getting home than most of them, mainly himself.
100% agree on that last paragraph.

…I couldn't get over Rick's bad hair day, lol. It bothered me the whole time.

Why? Why would Carl be the one character to survive? Did Kirkman explain that?

Yes, please.

"not cool"
"it's awesome"

I guess the takeaway is Carol was right?

I do like that they included people from different "tiers" of importance and attachment-of-audience. And they bothered to give at least some of them a bit of pre-death buildup.

That makes dislike Rick even more. It shouldn't take something like this to smooth some of those edges out.