
Thank you! This is fantastic. I am also a 98% vegetarian, so this is perfect for me.

Wisconsin girl here, too. Yes, it freaks me out every time I see a sign prohibiting concealed weapons. It is a weird feeling, going to the grocery store, walking around, and wondering who's "packing." Where does it all end?

I know! I am an Average White Girl, and I went into a higher-end cosmetic retailer with a Hispanic male friend of mine, and we were both followed through the store by a clerk, with the Mall Security Guy eyeing us both. Ugh.

Oh man! I just recently had a friend's mother and sister attack me via Facebook message, of all things. I don't even know these people. And, when I tried to tell my friend to ask them to back off, I got "Oh, yeah, people do that..." Really? Yes, it's sadly true.

That was awesome! Both of my kids are aspiring tap dancers, and I can't wait to show this to them tomorrow. They will love it! Thank you for sharing this

I have an eleven-year old daughter. I want so badly to talk to her about internet safety, without scaring her to death, or scarring her for life. My husband and I monitor her searches, etc., and my husband is also in IT, so he has a good grasp on this, but there are other kids' houses, cell phones, etc. I wish this

His name was Nathan, and it was my first time at sleep away camp. I was 15, and a complete wreck. Not in a cool girl way, but in a pudgy dork, no social life, disaster kind of way. But, it was my first time away from my family and high school friends, and the first time that no one knew me, and I could do what I