shooting magical symbols

I’m a mild narcissist, if I was to diagnose myself. And I won’t lie, it’s a pretty good way to be.

Are you my sister?  I was just thinking before I read this about how much physical and emotional space my (our?) mother took up.  

Or my ex. 

Happy to feel proven right! My sister gives me the hardest time for being a narcissist. I don’t think I’m a toxic person in any way, I just like myself, my hobbies and my choices in life. She on the other hand is just the most self conscious person that’s always worried about other people’s opinions. If I get a

Tell me about it, Stud.

Myself, to counteract this I have focused on myself and building myself up both physically and mentally and know what its worked.

I mean, this makes sense. I generally joke about the fact that I’m a narcissist but there’s no way I’d make such an effort to please myself if I didn’t love myself and believe I deserve it.

I always thought the pants looked very spandexy which of course was not made yet in the ‘50s time frame.

Damn those pants are super tight , there is no way I would fit into them unless…
I better shape up.

My kid is 4 and a half and I could tell this was the last year that I’d be able to influence her Halloween costume, if I try again next year I’m pretty sure I will get told to fuck off. In those words, at the rate Her Sassiness is developing.

I still say with a straight face, “Must be some Toros in the atmosphere.”, any time someone says, “Brr, it’s cold in here.”

I think she’s great!

Gabrielle Union looks THE SAME. Woman has to be a vampire.

Jessica Biel is very annoying to me right now

I dunno.  He looks like he has too many feelings.

All I know is: porgs or I riot.

I want R2D2 to save the day, I will cry if he finally dies saving everyone. Like Seriously will bawl. 

I like the idea of a shitload of starships from every era of Star Wars coming together to make a big ragtag Resistance fleet.

I have goosebumps and got all the emotions from C3PO :(

GOOD, honestly. It is one of the top 10 best pieces of television I’ve ever seen, and PWB shouldn’t be pressured into creativity just because we as a culture appear to love sequels. For example, Game of Thrones should have gone on hiatus to fully map out the plot of the remaining non-book seasons, rather than ...