
Tee hee hee! I wonder how many empty seats there will be at the inauguration? I wonder how many more orders of magnitude more people will show up for the subsequent protest? I wonder if any more performers will cancel, and what they’ll do about that?  

Why would anyone want to go to an event marking the end of democracy in the U.S.?


There are DC dress shops that are openly contradicting him in ads. They’re pissed because they were already worried about their inauguration sales (which I’m sure are down compared to ‘08 especially), but then to have the president-elect say that they’re sold out? Lies are terrible for small businesses. Sad!

My dad’s widow and her new husband (see caught your attention) live part time in Georgetown. They said that anyone who can get out is leaving and no one they know has listed on Air BnB.

I wonder if Trump will buy them up and have paid people sit in those seats so they don’t look empty on TV.

I have a couple of family members who live in the DC/MD/VA area and got their tickets last week. They’re just THRILLED! Now today, they were kind enough to post a (copied) statement on FB that we should all go on with our lives and not judge others for whom they voted and if you do, you’re a horrible person. (This

Wait for the photos/news coverage on a channel not covering it. NOTHING will sting Trump more than low ratings- it’s all he cares about. And then we can all tweet him about how much higher Obama’s ratings were- ala Trump himself to Schwarzenegger.

Chris Christie has the is a saddest balls.

C’mon, Putin. Don’t let your homie down! Best represent by filling that crowd with Russian diplomats.

Is Taylor Lautner the new Hollywood tester boyfriend for these famous girls?

I guarantee it isn’t the content of the skits that drives him insane with rage. It’s the way Baldwin nails the freakish facial tics, the constant weird mouth and eyebrow stuff he’s always doing, that’s what makes him crazed. He cannot believe anyone could possibly perceive him that way, as no one around him has ever

Ladies and gentlemen, your line of succession.

His own voters are going to be sick of the schtick within 6 months. They love bashing “whiners” and they’ll tire of him complaining 24/7

“I am fundamentally uncomfortable with university students’ protesting any hosting of a speaker whose views they disagree with”

Not allowing free speech =/= not the same thing as not being allowed to speak at this venue or that venue. Milo has the right to say what he wants out loud. He can set up a table outside UC Davis and protest all he wants.

On a side note, I am fascinated by teh gheyz that support Trump/Alt Right. How does that brain process that cognitive dissonance?

Milo loves being a pretend victim; this is his Christmas.