
I always thought Sarah Palin was the most blatant example of this, but Donald's got her beat big time.

His statements also imply that Clinton and Obama served back-to-back terms, as he completely neglects to mention W at all.

If Angela Lansbury played Lawrence Harvey's daughter.

Same here- I remember loving that song when it first came out. I probably hadn't thought of it in over 40 years, though. Hearing it again made me so very happy.

I liked Dwayne's response to Larry's extra testicle- "You've got four?"

Shudder needs to bring back Alternative 3 next. This a pseudo-documentary that purports to uncover the existence of a program to make the Moon and Mars habitable, and also claims to show footage of living creatures on Mars.

Pipes makes quite a few appearances- it's quite disturbing to see his face on freeze frame- it looks like the cats did quite a number on it.

I saw it in a Chick tract, so it must be true.

Well, Slayer does stand for Satan Laughs As You Eternally Rot, so they're just daring good Christians to persecute them.

Rondo Hatton

Rose could be the Jessica Fletcher of St. Olaf.

One of my biggest gripes (if not my biggest) about Boardwalk Empire was having Rothstein's death occur off-screen and in between seasons.

Some of those claims even contradict what Trump himself has said.

Also, because that would involve more reading than Trump is capable of doing in one sitting.

One of my Trump-loving Facebook acquaintances said (without a trace of irony) that Trump is a humble and Godly man who always faces up to his mistakes, and asks the Lord for forgiveness whenever he sins.

With the exception of Barron and (possibly) Tiffany, Trump's kids are old enough to be self-aware and see how their father treats the world, and is treated by it. If they prefer to follow in his footsteps, then they are ripe for being shat on.

There was a DC-wide egg shortage. All of the grocery stores were sold out.

He was also upset about Trump bombing Syria because he didn't own any Raytheon stock, and, therefore, missed out on a great investment opportunity.

One of my coworkers is mostly worried about North Korea bombing South Korea because it will make it harder for him to get Samsung and LG products.

They prefer the Jesus of Matthew 10:34- "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."