
So how much of the rent money went to building and then taking down that X?

“Oh, I have to sell it to the guy that ordered it at MSRP. Oooorrr I could mark it up and sell it to that guy that just walked on the lot... What to do? What to do?”

A little less funny if you’re the patient too.

The director is just pulling stuff our of his ass at this point to make his shitty story seem more well planned and thought out than it was.

To their credit, there’s not much other good use for a bottle of piss.

Oh, you mean sriracha infused everything? lol. But I will say that at least more recently it’s leaps and bounds more spicy than we used to get (which was not at all).

Sounds like L&L. In Honolulu, L&L is pretty good. Here, it’s really hit or miss.

I mean, most major metro areas have a hugely diverse population. Those market you mention are cool, but LA and NYC most likely have more diversity and in larger numbers. You may not be wrong, but I don’t know that it’s the diversity of Minneapolis that’s driving the marketing there. Still have to remember that white

I think they have to test in their biggest (and maybe least adventurous) demographic markets in order to see how a nationwide rollout will go. It’s like they know Mexican people know what birria is. TB’s in SoCal so they know how wildly popular it is here. But they need to think will the rando white person in

That synopsis for Riverdale feels like the synopsis of every episode since the pilot.

This show felt like they started and then there was a writer’s strike, but they finished it anyway. But not like half way through the series. It was almost like there was a writer’s strike halfway through every episode.

I’ve lived at different points in my life in all of those cities. Currently in LA. I’ve never had an issue dating Asian women. They actually seem to prefer Asian guys. Yes, there will be plenty of them that prefer to date other races. Just like there are lots of Asian guys that prefer to date white or latina or black

I’m not sure where you’re from. In my area, I’d guess about 75-80% of Asian women are with Asian men. The rest are scattered about.

Did they distinguish from people that may have been depressed and/or had suicidal thoughts before they started taking the drug for weight loss? Seems like it would be somewhat prevalent amongst morbidly obese people or people that would pay thousands of dollars for injections to lose a few pounds (or maintain a low

I never wanted a dog. I’ve always been more of a cat person. I was always the “it’s just a dog/pet” when someone complained about how much they had to do to coddle their pet. But we were cliche and adopted a dog during COVID. Actually she adopted the dog. I just didn’t put my foot down with a no. He’s not what you’d

It’s more egregious because her parents were super rich and didn’t need to go to Dr. Nick on coupon day for the surgery.

Desantis pushed the Republicans to say the party’s quiet parts out loud. Before publicly it was all “We just believe in small government, personal responsibility, etc... We don’t have a problem with any people of different colors.” And people like Tim Scott could hang on that and say “See, these old white guys aren’t

Slim Jims and Nacho Cheese Bugles are my preferred road trip snacks. A Whatchamacalit bar if I want candy.

Wait, Sinatra was alive at that time? Is he still alive?

It’s a great movie. But it’s not the greatest Christmas movie of all time like Die Hard is.