Sweet/Savory Separatist

I’m lovin’ it!

I wouldn't kick either one out of bed for eating crackers…(ō_Ó)

Gina Carano gets my vote…

I think The Rock would be better suited doing a remake of ‘They Live’, if he wants a John Carpenter property. I just don’t think he has the range as a character actor to pull off Jack Burton. Chewing bubblegum and kicking ass is more his speed.

Is anyone else thinking this? Switch the scene to nighttime, add some neon color, and you’d have the start of a great Tron sim…

“Splatoon does not assume...” where Mass Effect does - you’re dropped into John Shepard right away and have to go into full-creation mode to get FemShep.

omagod, I would give my left 1x1 brick to play a LEGO version of Portal/Portal 2, if it looked as good as that video!

I’m surprised at the number of comments coming down hard on Demian:

Say what you will about these two movies (I enjoy them), what impresses me most is the fact that Geena Davis did most of her own stuntwork in both of these. AND pulled it off, acting-wise.

I am forever tainted by The Big Bang Theory. All I see is Jim Parsons.

Wait. Which one’s Jamie Lannister again? (ō.Ô)

I'll leave this right here, then…

Not there, here…

Is Godzilla making a cameo…?

Alright. If no one else is gonna say it, I will…

alright. If no one else is gonna say it, I will…

Kat Dennings is all of the best parts of both Thor movies.

BTW: Please destroy that Airbender image and never show another. It takes a village to fully flush something that stinky down the memory-hole.

The digital release of Captain America The Winter Soldier is this weekend...

Even though she is a screeching ninny.