That is actually a common misconception about rust! Hypothetically you could get it from something rusty, but has more to do with bacteria getting into your body through an open wound for instance.
That is actually a common misconception about rust! Hypothetically you could get it from something rusty, but has more to do with bacteria getting into your body through an open wound for instance.
Lotta issues with your hypotheticals here.
I’m very much with you, though it creates a problem of having a glut of data to maintain for every of every uniformed officer’s workday. I firmly believe that in the execution of public duties, any servants of the public should be subject to monitoring. As such, I think there should be a systematic an unbiased…
The superorder Batoidea, commonly known as “rays,” is full of stingy cuties. The bat ray (Myliobatis californica) is…
Such a good speech!
I heard some excepts of Fredrick Douglass’s 1852 Independence day Speech on Monday on C-SPAN. Damon Wayans is not uncorrect.
It seems as though you can’t even joke about the Fourth of July and its racist Founding Fathers without people…
Microbeads pose more problems than detailed in that debunked study. In fact, in the article linked above that details what microbeads are bad the reasons come down to the effects of having a bunch of extra plastic in the ocean and does not mention the debunked study.
when I was a dad would take a massive chunk of Sulfur...soak it in diesel...then set it on fire.
“Doesn’t look like anything to me.”
im rthe rat from the video
Also not sure acting like a human battering ram for four years counts as a “free ride.”
Not sure if this is a legit right-wing meme, but the misspelling of “Whtiehouse” is compelling evidence.
So if he stays in the USA he supports slavery? 🤔
And if another asshole from the northeast who spends most of his time playing childish games realized he didn’t belong in the White House either we wouldn’t be in this situation.
I am only sworn to carry your burdens. I don’t have to make it easy for you to get more stuff. If I don’t get out of your way, you can’t pick up more burdensome shit to carry.
Get. Out. Of. The. Way. Lydia!
Here’s a better look at the sword.