My question as well. Also, if it weren’t for Newt, we wouldn’t have gotten the best line in the franchise...
My question as well. Also, if it weren’t for Newt, we wouldn’t have gotten the best line in the franchise...
Wait, who doesn’t like Newt? I mean, besides this asshole?
Definitely! That and biker boyyzzzee, probably the worst fucking movies i’ve seen in my life. Don’t forget the bike duel. haha!
James Bond: Diamonds are Forever. The Mach 1 Mustang gets on the two passenger side wheels, “magically” switches sides, and then exits on the two drivers side wheels. The “magic” was added because they shot it in parts and didn’t realize until editing.
Here, you need this.
Does existence count as a design flaw?
Some llamas are cooler than others.
Transformer Edition 5th gen Camaro. You got the bumble bee color package and Transformer badges, pretty much it. Always looked pretty stupid to me.
The Team Canada edition Equinox and Cobalts that were sold around the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.
Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.
This one time when I was driving my turbo Neon engine’d DSM this happened:
First thought: “Donuts in a FWD Fusion? I gotta see this.”
That time I worked at Carmax and sold this loser a Range Rover with a Carmax warranty. We’re still laughing!
What is this epic thing from
The real answer is
Maglev. The Shanghai Maglev Train hits 270mph in regular service but has been clocked up to 311mph. Like a train, but it levitates a tiny distance from its “rail” using the power of magnets.
...but the most flattening.