
My fellow Americans, you need not fret, nor fear, for the American dream is still alive and thriving. Through your own hard work, ingenuity, and resource management you can still build your dream home and white picket fence .... in .... Minecraft.

I think it’s time for all nations that want to participate in the Olympics to pony up a few dollars, euros, pounds, shekels, rupees, etc. and give them to Greece, where a permanent dedicated Olympic Village will be built. Greece has no money, but they can donate land. Building it will help the Greek economy. (Why

It was very good.

I went in not really knowing what the movie was about, and it blew me away. Totally agree that it is super underrated.

Ya I dig it. Time travel shenanigans without the actual travel.

The movie is pretty good.


so a samsung gear VR competitor?

I was convinced that the series was building up to the founding of SHIELD. One final Netflix season to cover that would be nice. Or maybe it can appear in flashbacks in Agents of SHIELD (which is itself not long for this world, I suspect).

I just want one more season where SHIELD is set up. That’s all I want. lol

I cried at her funeral in Civil War, and it was probably influenced at least a little by the cancellation announcement. Agent Carter was one of my favorite shows, but even still I was surprised by how bummed I was at the cancellation.

I think we’re so far removed from them by time and identity. We can identify with corpses of our own known history. We know what their lives were like, how they thought, lived, and died. Someone who died hundreds of years ago lived a life so far removed from our own it may as well be fictional. It might be a little


That shot had my entire theater cracking up.

Welcome to io9, Evan - excited to read your pieces even more now that you’ve joined us in the...