
Avengers 4: The Search for More Money

I wonder the same thing...

How is stuff like this not front page news everywhere?

It’s not a rewatch if you’re not watching the same movie though. Five minutes research would have told you that this is a totally different movie to the theatrical version; the directors cut is famous for being nowhere near as good as the cinema version and blog posts like these were doing the rounds back in 04 when

No, a half-marathon is NOT “more than four times longer than” a 5K. It is more than four times AS LONG AS a 5K. In order for it to be four times longer than a 5K, it would need to be the length of one 5K plus an additional four times the length of one 5K, in other words 1x5K+4x5K, or 25K total, which it isn’t.

Kerbal Space Program has prepared me to understand this. Ion propulsion: slow but efficient. Good job, video game.

speed 15 times greater than a conventional chemical thruster

*Scoff* A PC isn’t going to have EIGHT of these bad boys in its CPU

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I started planning for my 2016 Christmas in February. But my display is really over the top. Here is one of my 2015 songs.

I started planning for my 2016 Christmas in February. But my display is really over the top. Here is one of my 2015

I always fall asleep in movie theaters so it’s never worth paying the price for a ticket. But I will say I WILL SAY that going to see a movie at midnight on the first night it’s out at one of the big theaters in Hollywood (not the premieres, mind you, the first night anyone can go) is still a great experience. The

If they set the Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, the rent and taxes would be Astral-nomical !!

The Hoary Hosts of Jeri Hogarth? Does that mean Jessica Jones and Foggy Nelson are in Doctor Strange?

Seems odd for Disney to make a movie about a big fucking gun.

So, Thornados?

I’ll leave this here:

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I have to disagree with you, James. There was at least one other April Fool’s day joke today that rose to the occasion.

It’s a great slasher to be sure, but I want your opinion on something. Did you hear that Gawker media will now start paying commenters. I heard that once a comment gets past 100 stars, they will get $0.02 per additional star. What do you think of that?

I lost basically all of my blood out of my back end a couple years ago. Sat on the toilet one morning and woke up on the floor with a large knot on my forehead and a trail of blood behind me. I continued to bleed in the hospital and ended up needing a double bowel resection. I received 16 pints of blood during that