

At work, so I can’t click through, but between the URL and the reply with Cathy and the Louis CK quote, I assume there’s magic on that site. Pure, unadulterated magic.

HOLY CARP, YOU’RE RIGHT. I specifically remember going to the theater with a beach friend (kids can make new, best friends in a single beach trip!) ON MY GRANDMOTHER’S BIRTHDAY, JUNE 30TH.

I was thinking the same thing! And definitely a good character arc to throw her way, with her anti-powers sentiments.

Wow. I’m actually pretty impressed by this. And it’s Walmart, of all places. Fair play to you, Evil Corporate Retail Overlords of Evil (E-CORE)!

Boju, I’m rather takin with you because of that witticism.

Well, Shep, they don’t ship it WITH the water...! That would be absurd...!

Well, Shep, they don’t ship it WITH the water...! That would be absurd...!

Staaaaahhhhhp. Now I’m all sad-like. :(

Any use of the word octopi is bloody wrong. It’s octopuses, NOT OCTOPI.

“Ms. Stacy... it’s gwen a long time...”


Nah, I’m just kidding. This looks dope as all hell. Freakin’ Ant-Man and General Ross are going to be in this beast!

Now I REALLY want a tongue-in-cheek, self-aware and meta, “Clone High” take on The Avengers. Like, yesterday.

You shut your gotdam mouth. That’s not even funny.

I like Miracle Day. A lot. I thought it was a lot of fun and had the benefits of a bigger budget without overdoing it. And bring in Gwen’s family was nice and personal and intimate.

Why... WHY didn’t they name this guy “H. kermitae”?!

Everyone here sucks at haiku algorithms.


