
Gotta nuke something

I would put ortolan on the “don’t eat” list. Driving like this would be quite hazardous.

Been done before

Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Resort and Restaurant location in Times Square”

Pickup trucks with American flags sorta take the work out of it already.

Only something like this so it takes seconds with a sponge. I find it less tedious than mincing a lot of garlic

Maybe everyone on both sides will realize that it’s only entertainment and none of it actually matters.

Gotta remember this. Thank you

The Deluxe is a legit good burger 

for fine “chopping” I grate very coarsely and then work over the slices

Similarly, I’ve been frying minced kimchi in butter and then cooking my eggs with that. Fantastic, especially when topped with some salmon roe.

enclose cloves of garlic between two mixing bowls and shake

I have both and the OXO save edge one is more work most of the time. I need to make multiple passes around the can to get it to release. We just throw our cheap old school one in the dishwasher.

Article is attributed simply to “The Takeout”. Does this mean it’s a combined staff piece or bot?

Burgers are ground. This is a sandwich.

I’m all for them not wearing helmets as long as payouts are limited when they brain themselves. Live and let die.

Yes, but at least you have the state on your side. Thanks for asking.

Do they give the wearer a shock when weaving through traffic or ridding on the line like a d-bag?

“You have people that have never tasted foie gras and will never taste it and they want something festive for the year-end parties

Yeah, I guess.