Having lived in GA and having family there I can tell you that Cobb county is full of the worst people.
He made a bunch of money after the first missile strikes in Syria. Raytheon's stock jumped about $4 the day after.
250 years wasn't so bad, but certainly nothing compared to the ancients
Why didn’t the lava kill the IRaptor when it fell DIRECTLY ON IT’S HEAD?!?!?!?
I wipe once back to front and once front to back and I’m good to go. Are people like scrubbing their ass with paper?
The only way to get self driving cars to work properly will be to have to make them fly-by-wire.
Better be criminal charges in this case.
*Pushes up glasses*
This ride sucks ass, the flight of the dragon thing is the tits though.
Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes around. Fucking morons.
Theyre not listening all the time, how many times does that have to be clarified?
The easiest way to curb the opioid crisis is to make it illegal for pharmacutical companies to give kick backs to doctors.
My SSN is 123-45-6789. Please let me know if you need my bank account number too. Thanks.
They mean of the 4 major men’s sports.
Letang single-handedly cost the Pens that series. It’s time for him to go.
Here take my star
Im admittedly not the smartest guy when it comes to computer chips but I feel like common sense would say that you can only reach a certain point of transistor density before no further advancements can be made.
Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes around