
“The electric Detroit Bikes DB-E weighs just 32-pounds thanks to its thin tube frame.”

Didn’t Cameron himself say that Avatar 3 has been shot and is going through VFX work, and that some of Avatar 4's scenes have been shot, but is nowhere near complete? And nothing has been done for Avatar 5?

And... he keeps moving the goalposts. He’s going to “step down” but retain control of key divisions. So basically, he’ll find someone who he can say is in charge, but then blame for all of his decisions, since he’ll still be the one calling the shots.

You said “and”, not “or”, so I assumed you meant “and”, so I was like, “wait... how does that math work?” LOL

“whatever Jake put Neytiri’s gift in for Christmas.”

“70 hour work weeks, 12 hour days, and 7 day work weeks are common”

This is a ranking of dealerships, and Tesla doesn’t have any (because all of the ones listed fought against it).  Tesla just has showrooms, and if you want to actually buy the car, there’s no salesperson to deal with. You go to the website, order the car, and wait for it to get delivered. There’s nothing else to do.

That’s a fair point. Although, they would presumably have non-nuclear methods of bombardment, and given their level of technology and ability to build basically an entire city in a year, they could still just bombard the Na’vi into submission or non-existence and just build what they want.  After all, they’re not

“While basic it still made a logical sense.”

We saw this last night in IMAX 3D, and normally, I do not like 3D, but this and the first one are worth seeing in IMAX 3D. It took my brain about 10 minutes to get used to the glasses and the whole ‘everything looks smaller, kind of’ sensation, but once I got used to it, boy was it awesome!

McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets Are Basically Free Right Now

The first one was Pocahontas/Dances with Wolves/Last Samurai/Fern Gully/etc...

“Musk addressed the issue in early November, saying he would ban the @ElonJet account due to free speech principles.

Her most recent one.  She kept going on about how all she wanted to do was cheat on him.  It was... kinda difficult to watch.  I ended up feeling bad for her husband.

Tell you what; you guys stop doing all slideshows and I’ll turn off my ad blocker on your websites.

Where’s the ‘Stop Buying New Samsung Devices’ article?

“the fact that this graph exists at all is painful”

“Combines that with the occasional DC flop (like WW84 and SS)”

“Black Adam is available to stream on Apple and . io9 has reached out to Warner Bros. for comment on Black Adam’s financials”

“the article additionally cites “merchandise” as a form of back-channel profit in an attempt to sure up Black Adam’s potential to make money”