
Of course this is a freaking slideshow.  JFC.  Can you guys please stop with the slideshows?

“Governments around the world have pressured Apple to allow for holes in its privacy practices in the name of law enforcement, and, according to The Washington Post, it delayed encrypting iCloud storage years ago after objections from the FBI. Government officials in the U.S. and beyond say that encryption facilitates

“Black Adam is in theaters and is currently available to stream on .”


Android’s Latest Update Lets You Share Digital Cars Key

Listening and recording are two different things.  Smart speakers are always listening (if you don’t have the microphone turned off), but are not always recording.  They only record when they think the wake word has been said, and they only record the snippet afterwards, not continuously afterwards.

Is that from a movie or a TV show?  I’m unfamiliar with the reference.

Both email and WhatsApp are terrible for sending media (photos and videos) of any consequential size. Recorded a 5-minute 4K 60fps video? Good luck sending the original file via email or WhatsApp.

“You can jot down ideas, interesting links you stumble upon, or any photos or videos you want to share.”

Stop Using Spotlight on Your iPhone (and Do This Instead)

“if the writers went “back and forth” on the “lighting rod” remark.”

“destroying the tractor beam like something out of Top Gun”

Why is this a slideshow?!?  Please for the love of everything holy, stop with all the slideshows!

Which one is which?  I know people who would eat cheesecake over a sandwich any day, every day, but I also know people would prefer the sandwich.

Agreed.  However, I think Amazon and Meta are not necessarily letting go of the higher level employees, are they?  It seemed like they were going to be letting go of more of the entry level people.  

Finally, a Prius that actually looks nice!

“it’s running a high rake”

What was the question?  We can’t all watch (or want to watch) videos.

For those interested in the source:

Right, but this is in the section where they say they’re going to talk about spoilers... It seems odd to complain about spoilers being discussed in a section explicitly stated as discussing spoilers.