
He said he won’t spoil the biggest surprise, and then he says that when she goes to the Ancestral Plane, that’s the biggest surprise.

Right, but in the same sentence, he then tells us...?

NOTE: The rest of the chat gets into major spoilers for the movie.

“at was highly, highly anticipated”

Isn’t it “Brett Favre”?

And also all the creditors he owes money to; there’s a reason Twitter now owes $1B per year in interest charges alone.

Do NOT use that adapter.

Maybe if you’re one of those rich people that has a garage that’s more of a showroom, with couches and a bar, this would kind of fit in there? *shrug* But Porsche Design has been doing this kind of thing for at least 10+ years (that I know of), so apparently some people out there keep buying these things...

The World’s Fastest Shoes Promise to Increase Your Walking Speed by 250%

“since the Urus SUVs don’t comply with FMVSS 111"

“Read on for a list of things that you shouldn’t expect to be able to use forever”

Having an asymmetrical point and crease pushing into your palm the whole time you’re using the mouse does not seem like it would be comfortable.

Your family member’s bipolar manic episodes are not the same as everyone else’s bipolar manic episodes.

I think it’s because it’s safer to just save it, rather than risk deleting something someone might have wanted saved.  If they give you the option of saving or not saving every single time, it would be really annoying.  If they gave you the option to select to save it all the time or to not save it all the time, and

Isn’t Survivor a CBS show?  Which means it would be on Paramount+, not HBO Max?

Smell Like Batman Without Running Around in a Suit of Body Armor

Why the hell is this a slideshow?!

“Put a body in concrete for enough time and all the moisture will get sucked out of everything”


Have you seen Strange New Worlds?