Mr. Blumpkin

Looks like he’s stalled in his development.

Nice try, Drew. Still not gonna listen to one of these.

It’s not that weird when you consider that he’s a bitch.

I wouldn’t say it’s poor writing just because a bunch of crackpot theories got a lot of attention. I kinda hate this whole cycle now where instead of just seeing how mysteries unfold in the following week, everyone has to come up with the most batshit theory and then people are disappointed when the writers do what

as part of the restructuring...can you make sure deadcast is the first thing to go

In the long run, we’re all dead;

Apropos of nothing, but I’m kinda disappointed it’s called KinjaDeals instead of Hawker.

Apropos of nothing, but I’m kinda disappointed it’s called KinjaDeals instead of Hawker.

Drew is the only deadspin writer worth talking about.

It’s just as satisfying to shit talk a cheetah whether you have kids or not.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going to the zoo as an adult with no kids. Anyone who says otherwise is a communist.

Did you use bidets at your joint bachelor/ette party?

Wes Welker doesn’t remember witnessing any wrongdoing under Briles.

The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge

Remove “this.”

BREAKING: Stapp infection outbreak in Washington locker room.

If you don't know, now you know, I guess.

Good to know the Catholic Church's PR firm continues to get work.

...Filtering out cereal dust? That is an offense against man alongside scraping the glaze off the donut. The last bowl of cereal, packed with sweetened dust that just dissolves into the milk, is the best thing.

While the small size of the photograph as published makes the details difficult to discern, the yearbook has been recalled so the school can make a minor but critical edit for the inappropriate content.

I thought this is what happens when either one half of the couple is SUPER controlling or SUPER lame