Dān Jurzōn

If that repulsive display of utter cretinism wasn't enough to thoroughly convince every single living human on the planet of the unfathomable depth of Trump's demented depravity and prove him pathetically unfit to hold the Highest Office in the Land—or even dog catcher—well then, I say bring on the Apocalypse. Or

At the end of the final game of the World Series I made that joke in reverse: "Cubs winning the championship?! What's next, Trump as President?!" It's all my fault.

But it's just 9 hours of winking and smiling…

Mewling. You forget to use "mewling" in your rant.

You really don't know, do you?!

Remember that battle cry from the 90's? The country up and got got Stoopid!

All that Alaskans care about, ultimately, is government stayin' the fuck out of their lives. and more importantly, the annual Alaska Permanent Fund money to every Alaskan being issued on time. Palin even issued a one time additional $1,200 payment to every Alaskan in 2008. As long as she kept the money coming and

At least we have Synecdoche, NY. That, for me, is equivalent to 3 or 5 or 10 great PSH films in one. I can't believe that film got made and that PSH is in it and that he's the star and is as unfuckingbelievably great in it as he is.

When the guy announced the title of the book, Gotham’s Sewers: An Oral History, I believe I heard a guy in the crowd say "I like sewers!"

I liked Florence Henderson as a person infinitely more than I did The Brady Bunch which even as a little kid I found to be saccharin and tedious (uh yes, those are the words I used in a review of the show I wrote for my elementary school newsletter. Yoink!!) However, unlike the show, Florence had so much spunk and

The only thing eerier than death is birth.

Their TV show would've been The Castro Commie Crapload.

ABC World News Tonight. It neither reports on the World nor is it news. And it probably wouldn't pertain to Tonight.

He looks like he shaves, brushes his teeth, and combs his hair with cheap bourbon. And, yes, drinks it.

Well, waddaya expect from a StupidHipster?!

Is that a line from Game of Thrones? It also applies to Julia Childs!

I also intended to make a pun, but I'm too low, in saturated fats.

She guest hosted before Johnny took over the show. She was that good.

General Niceness will be in command of the all out assault on Sugar Plum Hill. It's gonna be a real sweets grinder.

Baleen rather than teeth helps, too.