Dān Jurzōn

We would have accepted "binary" or "shockingly sudden and extreme."

Tilly Lomlin is the celebrity spokesperson for Dyslexia.

Phonograph records are groovy!

Along with the passing of a child or spouse, the loss of a sibling can be the most devastating, traumatic experience imaginable. I wish you comfort and relief from your suffering.

R I P Nice Lady

Ayahuasca is such a fashionable accessory today, everyone is guzzling it like Gatorade. And then if they're not posting to their blogs their staggeringly "unique" and impossibly "meaningful" minutia crammed musings about their fad experience, then they're accosting you at social gatherings to semi nonchalantly regale

Shamanism has been a fascination for me since before I can remember. The peyote induced trippy tales by Carlos Castaneda captured my imagination for a couple years, more so for their vivid imagery and their emphatically, overtly mannered excesses. He seemed to be more dedicated to the innate, natural sense of mystical

Anathema: (from Ancient Greek: ἀνάθεμα, anatithenai, "anything dedicated"), in common usage, is something or someone that is detested or shunned.

Its other main usage comes from the New Testament and refers to a formal ecclesiastical excommunication.

However, in the Old Testament, anathema referred either to something

I keep forgetting about the reason that all this absurdly narcissistic behavior and peculiarly elliptical dialog is being broadcast in the first place; because Chantal has disappeared. I'm so fascinated and entertained by the quirky, self involved, seemingly oblivious characters that the premise of the show keeps

Yeah, it seems the truth is usually a bit from column A, a bit from column B. And a bit from columns C, D, E, and even F!

NAFTA was not the primary reason for the loss of jobs in the USA capable of supporting a middle class lifestyle. NAFTA only involved North America and not Asia which is where the majority of our jobs as well as a sizable portion of our wealth has migrated since before and after Bill Clinton's tenure. Globalization is

Is the self destructive aspect of addiction, or more accurately of substance abuse actually part of the attraction, or is it possible that that's more of a rationalization of the experience? Addiction engenders such profound feelings of helplessness that it's maybe reasonable to presume that the afflicted person is

Ah, celebrity. That's a curiously annoying phenomenon increasingly afflicting contemporary society which is most often a media generated illusion devoid of substance or value; a virulent social plague. But, of course, we're a species psychologically prone to embrace fanciful, grand, supernatural non-realities, for

Well, I certainly poked the hornets nest, haven't I?!! See, the thing is, I agree with you 100%. No, 1,000%. Maybe even 1,001%. The individuals, groups, organizations and societies which comprise the medical community are today essentially an elite, privileged and even disassociated sect almost entirely dominated by

Musicians and other artists may actually be more human and real and thus important to us because through their art they may be able to not just communicate severely intimate and personal experiences directly into the most private recesses of our psyche, but art is often the ONLY medium of communication which seems to

But the purpose, ostensibly, of those drugs is to alleviate pain and suffering, not inflict death. Those sorts of drugs are most often at first taken as a means to self medicate, perhaps such as one does with alcohol or pot, but the big difference being that the chemical composition of those pharmaceuticals is so


They shoulda used more paprika.

They're working on it, but they just can't quite gather the necessary evidence to secure any convictions because the undercover cops on the inside keep being sent to their reprogramming labor camps somewhere in the Everglades, or Atlantis, and returning with their minds deleted of all memories. Also, the former agents

So, it's Corporate.