Dān Jurzōn

I once heard that in searching for a bone in her cupboards she'd bend over, at which point Rover would take over and give her a bone of her own. OHH!

I didn't say that the person embracing—even tentatively—religious beliefs is pathetically sad, I said that their religious thoughts lead directly, inevitably to bad, dumb, silly, sad ideas. It's not a matter of me recklessly painting with too broad a brush. No, not hardly. Rather, it's an obvious, simple matter of

I thought it was slightly edited CCS video from a Comic Con after party, but not a party with the attendees. It's a party of the service help who work the concession stands.

I didn't say a life devoted to religious belief and work guarantees a totally wasted life. I said religious belief is bound to lead to pathetically sad stupidity.

Well yes, Mother Theresa was certainly an exceptionally charismatic, energetic and motivated Servant of God, but you might want to consider her beliefs on contraception. Nothing has worked to help elevate the condition and status of poor women around the globe than the use of contraception and the ability of women to

Killer's Kiss was all done with holograms.

And her spelling is atrocious!

Children of famous directors suck!

For the moment…

It didn't have enough animatronic dinosaurs?

Scientology is like the slightly more ridiculous family member who unwittingly expresses all the idiocy and hypocrisies of the rest of the family. Any faith based belief is bound to lead to pathetically sad stupidity.

The eye socket entry method is the customary protocol, but I'd employ Maxwell's Silver Hammer to the Skull technique.

His manic episodes as well as his exceptionally inspired instincts for media manipulation and performance dramatics (his SNL and award show performances are unrivaled in terms of visual impact) are fueled on the quixotic energy of his biochemical "imbalance."


I was gonna say Cher.

"I've been asked to announce some pound signs at the vigil."

Ah, see, that's the condition which justifies facilitates podcast indulgence—commuting. I don't commute anymore now that I work almost exclusively from home, and when I'm working I can't listen to talk radio or podcast conversations. I'm just too easily distracted. Music, especially instrumental music helps keep me

These shows bare a peculiar hint of the stench of the Radical Extremists Liberal Reactionary support for Mumia Abu-Jamal, a convicted cop killer whose case is perhaps the most famous or notorious in recent history to have been seized upon by the media and by people who are active proponents for improving this nation's

How many podcasts is too many podcasts for one person to regularly follow? Asking for a friend. Well, not a friend, a creepy stranger who lives in my mirrors.

That's a good point, that they're offended by the title "White Supremacist" or "Racist" but certainly not by any of the ideology or sentiments which those titles signifiy. It's easy for them to deny the name of "Racist" but not the racist ideas and behaviors which they embrace.