Dān Jurzōn

It's funny that they look just like so many of the silly women today who have breast implants that look like rubber toilet plungers suctioned onto their chests. Freakishly Odd!

Hitler and the Nazis had one of the most highly coordinated and sophisticated propaganda machines in the history of the world exploiting every possible media including graphic design, fashion and theater to extremely powerful effect. Their emphasis on maximum impact of visual elements as well as their flair for

Hillary certainly isn't the paragon of human excellence, or even a moderately acceptable political candidate. She's a plainly flawed individual and is simply too complicated and conflicted by her daunting, traumatic history as a public figure. She's been adversely affected by her intense and prolonged battles with the

The biological particulars of the issue are of concern to me: when exactly does the undifferentiated mass of cells of the early fetus pass the theoretical threshold into personhood. At what point is the growing life perceivable as an individual human and as such entitled to all the rights and privileges afforded all

The only shred of a scrap of hope is that he at least sort of partly recognizes that when Conservatives or Republicans are caught in scandals they tend to be true scandals usually involving criminal activity and even actual depravity, at least more often than Democrats and Liberals. But he attributes this phenomenon a

Right! The LAST thing Fox News viewers are interested in is the news.


You've just listed Nations were fascism existed. National Boundaries and Formal Governments; exactly the sort of "obvious" structures and systems which facilitated a conventional military solution. ISIS is not bound by or identified by any National formal boundaries. It's ubiquitous, insidious and subversive. Bombs

I was a tiny bit encouraged by the protests until I heard Trump and Giuliani's cretinous angry responses. Those fucking Fascist half wits are only provoked by any demonstration of defiance, such is their pathology. They demand absolute unquestioning servitude and are just crazy and stupid enough to act on their

It matters only to people who are able and willing to appreciate it. My conservative Republican half-brother despises Obama and perceives his every utterance as a personally threatening assault upon everything sacred to him. His deformed, twisted, warped mind is incapable of recognizing the civility and dignity and

It's no coincidence that Fox News by far reports the most errors and untruths of all the major news outlets. As the mouthpiece for the New Conservative they are not constrained by a genuine commitment to facts, truth or even reality, but are almost entirely fueled on emotional, gut level hunches and self satisfied

Defeating Fascism and National Socialism was a relatively obvious endeavor, or at least a well defined and finite objective whose leaders and supporters were localized and constrained by their own national boundaries. But defeating "Radical Islamic Terrorism" is not a matter of bombing their towns and villages and

If I'm reading you correctly, the general thrust of your argument—although you're not actually arguing but moreso very politely explaining—is that it's not for people to decide what does or doesn't constitute a worthwhile human life, that's God's job. Do I have that right?

Mortimer Nicholson, the town Mortician? Oh hell no, that creepy fuck's got more money than God. But I can at least afford to buy the occasional round down at my favorite watering hole, The Musty Clam.

Because… why?!

Well then you kick that decorative jar. Kick it hard!

You don't know how much money I've got. Maybe I've got cash to burn, and this is just the perfect cause deserving of my excess lucre. Maybe I enjoy distributing my considerable monetary assets to those persons whom I happen to find endearing, or who've provided me with ample quality entertainment?! Maybe I'm just a


You've assumed he's got nuts. Well, maybe he does, but they're probably floating in lavender water in a decorative jar on his wife's vanity.

If Shelley Duvall needs my help in any way, then by gosh by golly I'm there for her. I don't know exactly why I feel such empathy and warmth for her—as a performer and as a person—but I do. Maybe it's because her Olive Oil wasn't just inspired, it was genuinely, supernaturally brilliantly entertaining. I think she