Dān Jurzōn

Free Trade alone isn't the cause of good paying career jobs leaving the USA, though that's Trump's simplistic uninformed belief. Labor costs are certainly a major factor, but so is relatively unregulated unrestricted practices in foreign countries which in the US have been deemed dangerous and unhealthy and even

Just because something unique is enjoyed and even celebrated by a subset of society doesn't preclude that thing from being easily improvable. In Philly the cheesesteak sandwich is customarily topped with Cheez Whiz, which while being a quaintly low brow and oddly colored substance is actually not especially tasty.

That's essentially the current state of racism in America—broad strokes—where people who do not consider themselves to be racist simply do not recognize that even passively or reluctantly tolerating racist actions and speech in others is, in fact, a very insidious form of racism. Racism is empowered not just in the

Well, the difference is that ALL Muslims are not radical extremists who wish death to all Infidels via terrorism. I don't "vote" for all Muslims as a monolith because they ALL aren't vying for my support. But everyone who voted for Trump—ALL of 'em!—are guilty of tolerating his unacceptable, DEPLORABLE, grotesque

You've essentially described my older half-brother. He's a virulently reactionary Obama/Clinton hating Republican who blames his imagined hardships and actual setbacks on the "fucking idiot liberals and their pathetic phony love of poor (Black) people." He thinks anyone who's not a money grubbing materialistic self

Well, there's fascism and there's Fascism.

"black people have terrible lives and Democrats are to blame…but I know her so well I know it's from an empathetic place." — Not to be too anal about this, but by blaming the Democrats for the historical, ongoing plight of African Americans your relative is refusing to acknowledge the systemic and structural

I think this phenomenon of the Conservative Republican who is actually the exact opposite of all the ideals that he or she or they claim to embrace is a relatively new thing. I'm thinking of Teddy Roosevelt who was as straight a shooter as there ever was. (Get it?!) As a Republican President his word was Gospel. Of

Unless you're being ironic or sarcastic (it's very hard to tell) I'd say you're suffering from paranoid delusions. If you think a "Hispanic woman that doesn't speak english showing up at your workplace with a 40k SUV" is representative of the majority of immigrant workers in the USA, well you're fucking insane. And

Amorosa does! And also that one single solitary Miss Universe pageant contestant who he didn't ogle (or grab her p****!) while strolling into the backstage dressing room unannounced… Actually, there's a surprising number of people who claim that their personal interaction or interactions with The Don (yeuch!) have

OK, that's kewl. But still, after I've had a few cocktails with friends it's more than slightly possible we'd find ourselves wandering into a 420 friendly establishment and before I can grasp the folly of my ways, BAM!!, I'm stoned to the gills, or whatever the expression is that means unintentionally blotto.

Trump's Policies:
1) Build wall.
2) Toss illegals over wall.
3) Make Hillary scrub every square inch of floor on her hands and knees with a toothbrush in his Golden Sanctuary.
4) Finally, for the first time in his entire miserable, pathetic, angry sad life, Laugh.

"his lack of knowledge and total ignorance" — It was certainly appealing to enough people who voted for Georgie Porgie Puddin Brain, twice!

I wasn't so much blindsided as perhaps naively hopeful that more people would somehow come to their senses just a little bit and reject Trump's repulsive cretinism. I knew the country was divided fairly evenly, and that Hillary's troublesome history posed a major obstruction for winning over the mildly right leaning

No, everyone CHOOSES to not be magnanimous. The Angry White Middle American isn't just a demographic, it's a real and massive horde of irrationally furious individuals who through their focused hatred of the "Muslim Terrorist Loving Radical Liberal Left Wing Idiots" willfully blind themselves to the reality in which

Well, for starters, Hillary is not now nor has she ever been a willful, intentional con artist scamming not only investors out of their perhaps ill gotten wealth but also bilking hard working contractors out of their rightful pay. Trump has repeatedly defaulted on so many creditors and arbitrarily refused payment to

The cure for the malignant cancer afflicting Washington isn't inflicting a fresh new disease upon the already weakened, failing system, which is what Trump's presidency will be. The cure is to support genuinely alternative, courageous, valiant and worthwhile candidates who for some fucking bizarre, insane reason want

Walking down city streets I occasionally pass through a lingering ganja cloud emitted from someone toking ahead of me. I sorta like it, having the distinctively fragrant vapor washing over and past me, as long as it's not while I'm standing still at a corner or while peering into a shop window. Then it becomes

11 year old me can't resist taking you up on your challenge and heading out there at the peak of the heat, while older than 11 year old me would still like to at least witness the curious phenomenon you've so colorfully described. The blazing Sun in a cloudless sky suddenly overshadowed by God's tremendous bare ass,

I deserved Obama. I DESERVED HIM!!!