Dān Jurzōn

Tsk, tsk. Lord, smite him not, he knows not what he says…

What the duck?!

He works in computer science, meaning he's a line of logical coding. He's sentient only when called up to compile, or some such programming jargon.

Get down from there!

What I now like best about LMoE was knowing you were struggling to enjoy it. I rarely enjoy anything unless I know it's making someone else suffer. Suffer!!

OK, calm down, don't do anything irreversible you're gonna regret. How 'bout the Grateful Dead? Their little ditty about that much hyped, probably doomed state is a happy—and groovy!—compromise. And if that's too obscure and silly, we've always got The Mamas and the Papas "California Dreamin'," which no sane sentient

Oh well, I guess I'll just play with my View-Master, "A stereoscopic Journey through Yosemite."

Oh no, no, no. Joni Mitchell ! Or even Led Zeppelin.

Eh, jew can 'ave it. — Mexico

Many parts of California are nice, very nice. The beaches, mountains, deserts, national parks, natural splendors and wildlife are all fantastic and impressive. Even the large cities are attractive with lots to offer aesthetically and culturally.

No, those two pathetic douchebags are just as miserably defective as Trump. It's just that we've had 35+ years to develop a rich and torrid contempt for Trump, whereas I've only been skeeving those other pricks for a couple or few years.

But those 4 years are only going to last maybe 1 year, 2 on the outside, for ALL of us. THE END IS NIGH ! ! ! ! !

Late declining end stage capitalism. *sad trombone*

But are you a Facialist, meaning that you like to get blasted in the face, hopefully by a bigger, blacker penis?

Both? Yeah, maybe the Democratic politicians are just as likely to be hampered by Religious belief—or by feigning it, cynically—but one of the traditional distinguishing features of the more contemporary Democrat citizen is an embrace or at least active tolerance of racial, ethnic, religious, sexual and any other

I've yet to meet a truly rational, clear headed Republican or especially a Conservative. They may posses the potential for lucid, intuitive, enlightened thought, but they always seem to eventually retreat into hazy, vague dogmatic ideology, if not paranoid delusional terror at everything new and different.

I'm not making fun of you. I'm just stating a fact—irreverently—that you and perhaps older people are simply not as familiar with contemporary expressions which convey newer, more precise and relevant meanings. You're so "hung up" on the irrelevant and silly notion of being "cool," which is mostly just your prejudiced

Well, you've just conflated and confused several otherwise entirely separate and unrelated issues into a hazy, vague, irrational defense of your position, which is why I tend to fall on the Pro Choice side of the issue. Pro Lifers—generally speaking—may WANT to employ logic and reason in their argument, but they just

You just extrapolated a hell of a lot of nefarious meaning from my words. It's almost as though you're so intent on justifying your irrational rage that you can't tolerate a mild challenge to your apparently flimsy belief. "Woke" is such a ubiquitous and oft repeated expression today that only OLDER, perhaps more

Yeah, I can work with that. Er, I mean my alien friend can work with that. Thanks!