Dān Jurzōn

I'm firmly pro choice because I believe it's ultimately the woman's right to decide what's best for her own body, overriding whatever hypothetical community, societal, and—God forbid—religious issues might be relevant, but I can appreciate the opinion that the legal basis upon which rests the Roe v. Wade decision is

Love, or "Love"?

This Space ain't big enough fer the both of us, Bad Bart.

Admit it, 2001: A Space Odyssey not only holds up very well, but just may still be the most impressive of all them other loser moovies.

How many parsecs in a lightyear? Asking for an alien friend.

Ah, excuse me. The way you worded your comment, that you "very much doubt she would have even tried out for jeopardy if she wwas that unashamed of her intelligence," expresses the idea that you're sure she wouldn't have been on the show if she were, in fact, at all ashamed or embarrassed by her own intelligence. You

Clear but not appreciated and perhaps not respected, at least not enough so that "we" don't make the same damn mistake again. And again. And again, and again…

Black don't crack.

It has to do with the genetic coding for Comedic Performers as dictated by the Central Genetic Programming Bureau. How do you not know this?!

What do you mean by "we" attack people who obviously aren't racist? Who is this "we" you speak of? The "liberal" left attacks those performers for being not politically correct enough?! Are you sure that's accurate and not just another cheap, shallow, largely worthless trope that the media have popularized for their

You're tired? I'm exhausted!! But the impulse to rewrite history even before the initial draft ink has dried must be resisted. If you want to solemnly eulogize or even canonize Hillary that's certainly your prerogative or anyone else's, but I'm just so friggin' impatient with those kinds of self serving—and

As sarcastic as your comment may be, I sincerely appreciate your doubts. Throughout the show I was debating with myself if what I had perceived to be her motive for her curious behavior was imagined or real, and so I paid particular attention to her demeanor when she missed a question, to see if she expressed or

Buh buh wha?! Playbook? There's books in football?… Aw, you had me going there! Good one!!

The only one who refused to go on when Dice hosted, Nora Dunn, was not a very funny or well liked cast member. She did it more for her own ego and for her need for attention than to make a valid point, because "Dice" was a character ironically—and creatively—criticizing the very things he seemed to be advocating, and

Yep. It's the same situation with all the "liberal" news agency uttering such disingenuous, lame expressions of shock and awe that they could have been so wrong about Trump's unlikely success, especially after they all essentially bestowed upon him tens upon tens of millions of dollars of free campaign advertising by

Hillary doesn't need—or deserve—our gestures of consolation. She chose to be the punching bag for the opposition by being so irrationally hostile to any and all criticism of her dubious, less than prudent behavior. Her long history of lashing out at fair and reasonable critiques of her or her husband's actions earned

Me and my gang cut a hole in the wall. We're the Hole in Wall Gang.

Just say images of her tattooed ass through that fishnet body suit. We're all thinking it!

It is a grim, dreary proposition, is it not?…

Sound like a plan!